
I found a baby bird that has a broken wing. How do i doctor it?

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Ok so we found a baby bird that has feathers. It's wing is broken and i need to know how to splent it.... Thanks for any and all help




  1. uhm sorry to tell yah but you're not a doctor.

    If you have popsicle sticks and some medical tape it might work.

    But dont exspect the bird to ever fly again because without proper medical care it will not be exact, the bone alighnment.

    After you place the popsicle stiks to the broken bone wrap the wing together so he or she cant move it.

    good luck :/

  2. take it to a person that specialises in that sort of thing

  3. I would call the local Audubon Society. They will probabaly come and get the bird and treat it

  4. Are you sure the wing is baby birds do leave the nest before they can fly.  If yes...get the bird to a local wildlife rehab where it can be taken care of by experts.  You may do more damage by splinting it yourself if you are not experienced.  Look here for a rehab near you:

    Also, if this is a native bird..then it would be illegal for you to keep and care for.

  5. you're not a doctor and by helping it you could hurt it even more! i mean i cant speak to you or anything! call the local animal agencie or 911, they'll tel u what to do until they arrive to help

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