
I found a baby bird who's parents have been killed by kids how should i raise it? A rehabber is not an option.

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i found this baby bird today and it is about 3 days old how should i raise it so it lives.




  1. if you dont know what kind of bird it even is how are YOU going to raise it. Earthworms and Grubs may not be its food. What kind of bird is it? How on EARTH do you know that kids killed both parents? Since you dont know what kind it is then you dont know if both parents are involved with its raising. Where was it when you found it? Ground or nest? You dont say any of this and this is what we need to even begin to help you. Why is a Rehaber not an option? are you selfish and want to keep this bird? IN most states in the US you can not keep any type of Migratory bird as a pet. So it would be illegal for you to keep it and raise it.

    So get it to the proper people, and if you absolutely wont do that for the birds sake the first and foremost thing you need to do is identify the type of bird you have.

    I live in MINNESOTA please email the town you live in I can maybe help you find someone very close to you. There are alot of Rehabers in MN so just looking it up on the computer doesnt count as really looking for one.

  2. ''A rehabber is not an option'' - Why not?

    Try contacting your local vet clinic that deals with birds (or any vet clinic, as they will probably know where to go for help).

    Do you know what type of bird it is? If not, there's no way of providing information on proper care.

    Please do what you can to find an experienced person to raise this little bird for the highest chance of survival (and future release back into the wild).

  3. I give you credit for wanting to try.

    It likely will as the other people say die, but if you insist on trying to save it, give it earthworms, and grubs from the yard and a bit of sugar water.

  4. Hello.

    I , myself do rescue wild birds from time to time after the storms ...You need to put it in the warm place ( I put mine under the brooder lamp . ) If you have the baby birds 's food on hand like I do, you can feed it with Kaytee exact baby birds food , if not, then you can get a little sugar, mix with a little egg york in a little warm water , try to feed it wild birds survive until they are ready to fly so I have to catch some garden worms to feed it , it would know how to open the mouth and swallow the worms when I out near it ...( wild birds need nutrition as worms and such , it can't grow alone with baby bird food Kaytee exact ) after it grows , I releases it . Hope this help. TM

  5. If you really have the time and dedication to helping this young bird :) go to PetCo and get a product named Kaytee EXACT it is really easy to make but, you have to feed the bird since they  sole depend on their parents. I hope the little fellow makes it. I did it for my 3 little parakeets when their momma died when they were about 5 days old.

  6. You dont really know what to feed him etc..You could try but you know hes gonna die either way...Its a fact of life

  7. How do you know his parents have been killed by kids?  The absoulte best thing to do is to leave him where you found him and if his parents are able, they will come back for him.  He will die no matter what you do if you arent trained in this area.  Sorry.

  8. There are machines to keep baby birds alive and if you to a vet and get special equipment and food the bird will be okay.

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