
I found a baby sparrow last night , how do i care for it. i have looked but cant find its parents?

by  |  earlier

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the sparrow was lying in the middle of my garden, how it got there is another question. i think its around 2-4 days old(i checked pics on internet) please dont say to call wildlife services, i live in greece and these places are few and far between. i fed it some weetabix mixed with a little water, and its eating well. is it ok to give some raw meat like pork, chicken ? i dont have a heat pad, but i have it in a small container with tissue without lid and its next to my laptop, which releases a lot of heat. also it is 40+ degrees here at the moment so very humid. please please help, i dont want this poor creature to die due to my ignorace. thanks to all who respond




  1. You should look up how to care for baby birds on the net for better info, but I know where I live its illegal to get birds from the wild and care from them.

    I rescued a bird from my backyard once and rang a local wildlife rescue, they were quick to arrive and I knew then the baby would be definitly getting looked after properly.

  2. This is general information for anyone reading this thread.

    Touching it will not make mom reject it. Birds do not identify their offspring my scent, that is a mammal thing. If you return it to the nest, mom will never even know the difference. Not only does she have a lousy sense of smell, but she can't count either.

    Please, please, pass it on. This is a major misconception that causes the death of lots of nestlings every year who die because well-meaning people were afraid to put the chick back in the nest.


  4. take good care of it,don't feed it worms they could be bad for it,info on

  5. hi there

    i have brought up 3 baby sparrows and they survived, i gave them a mixture of crunched biscuits and boiled egg mixed together with some boiled water and fed through a dropper with a large hole  as they got older i added small seed into it(budgie or canary) and added also on floor of the cage, to keep warm i used a hot water bottle, but you can use a soft drink bottle, just bend it in the middle, these little birds grow fast so they will soon eat by them selves  soon, i had mine for about 4yrs and their names were Ingelbert and humperdink, by the way i am from Australia, we love them here. i kept them in a ordinary bird cage. good luck

  6. once you touch it the mother will never take it back. so heres some tips .... put bread in a bowl of milk about a fourth of a cup af milk. when it gets older feed it seeds not seeds from a pet store wild sparrow seed and when it starts to fly let it go immidetly or it could overwork itself and have a heart attack or break its wings then your stuck with it forever ..... put it in a cardboard box a tall big one ond put afew holes at the top af the box big enough to get light in and stick a heating lamp on top to heat the whole box that lamp has the same effect of heat as when the mother sits on them...      also put shiny things in it like silver bells or somthin and make two holes on either end and sitck a stick in the holes so it can sit on it like a perch. put soft feathery things on the base of the box GOOD LUCK

  7. Is there a vet or a pet shop near where you live?  Or even a zoo that may be able to give you advice?  Or maybe even try looking for bird clubs in other countries on the net and email them.  We've raised a few baby birds and they've always started off on porridge or weetabix..... they were parrots though - don't know if sparrows would be the same.  good luck with it.

  8. If you see many of these around:

    Leave it and let it die. (sorry they almost extincted the Eastern Bluebirds in North America.)

    If it's not that.. idk.


    hope I could've helped!


  9. Feed the bird worms and crickets to help it on its way.  Just care for it by putting it in a padded cage and feeding it on a regular basis.  When the time is right (by opening the cage everyday) the bird will spread its wings and fly away..... forever.  

    P.S.  Since you've touched the bird, you might as well consider yourself the mother and father now, because its parents won't want it anymore.  They will abandon it and it will starve to death.  Congratulations.....  you're a new parent!!!

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