
I found a baby toad in my back yard and its about 2 in long what do i feed it and what habitat should it have

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what habitat should it have and and should i get a big or small container and ...




  1. I'm pretty sure that toads don't go very far away from their natural habitat. So if you let it go, it has more of a chance of living, rather than you trying to raise it yourself. Otherwise you have to pretty much catch its food for it, and its just in an enclosed secluded area, where it can't do much but sit around. Remember they do need water, but most of the time they can't live in the water.  

  2. It's a toad it belongs outside. Animals in the wild should stay in the wild. Don't put it in a cage, that would be miserable. Let it be free!!

  3. I love bufo toads. Dont let the size fool you. They will eat june bugs that seem impossibly large. If you prefer to buy your food, they love worms.  

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