
I found a black spider with a red butt that has black dots on it. Any idea what it is??

by  |  earlier

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Its butt looked exactly like a lady was a little smaller then the size of a dime and i have found several of them in my house..




  1. Oh, dont touch them!!! Get out of the house asap, just a guess but black widow comes to mind, i am no expert though, but you need to get out and call an exterminator, or pest control before you get bitten.

  2. It is not a black widow. They don't look like a ladybug. It could be something like a cobweb weaver, but considering there are over 3,000 species of spiders in North America alone, it's hard to say for sure without a picture.

  3. its a black widow for sure theres nothing else it could be because thats the only spider with a red butt dont touch them extremely poisonous.fatal to children and teens sometimes even adults

  4. If the red is like an hourglass then it is a black widow. I would reserach them and find out to make sure it isn't dangerous.

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