
I found a bug with about 50 legs?

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I found 2 of these bugs on the outside of my house at night. They are about 1/2" TO 1" long, 1/16" to 1/8" wide, flat, light tan to transparent. I don't get a chance to look at it very long before it runs away, very fast. But it looks to have at least 20 pairs of legs. It has long antenna on the front and back. I would like to find out what these bugs are. A link to some photos would be great too. If it helps, I live in Mississippi, USA




  1. seems like a house centipede. Dont kill them. They kill roaches and pests. Millipedes can be ruled out die to their sluggishness. Is the width including its legs?

    They are rly common all over the place. They prefer humid weather. Very good around house, but girls will freak out. LOL

    Here is a pic:

    However, the things at the back are not antennae. Yes, they are styli, and crickets and all centipedes have it. It is a good warning system that senses enemies from behind. Try touching a crickets styli. It will jump asap. Also, even if you will like em for killing roaches, do not handle them. First of all, although they are much cleaner than roaches, a roach meal is dirty. Also, they may bite in self defense if immobilized. Never clasp them in your hand.

    Here is another question that mind-boggled peeps that led them to think that the thing was fake.:;...

  2. Ewww,you were right I would freak.I hate roaches too so hmm kill em all.TG Im not in Missippi.But here in Cali we have a share of Fugly bugs

  3. It sounds like a House Centipede.  They look much different than other centipedes.  The legs are long & slender & the body is flat.  They move very fast. They are found both indoors & out.  They eat spiders & small insects.  The Iowa State University Department of Entymology has a good picture of one.  Or just go to Google & put in House Centipede.

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