
I found a cannabis plant in my garden?

by Guest60657  |  earlier

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i found a cannibas plant in my garden it must have come from some burd seeds which i spilt on the floor and the seeds come from australia. i dont know anything about growing or what to do with it. its about 5 half foot tall and thats the main one and there are some small others any advice on what i should o with it/them thanks for any advice




  1. Get rid of it or you could end up in an orange jumpsuit.

  2. Bonus!!

  3. Ha if you're talking about what I'm thinking about I'd say get rid of it very very fast.

  4. I found this on Google to be interesting! ~ : )

    The Many uses of the Cannabis Plant

    Introduction to the Cannabis Plant by Ernest L. Abel, page ix of his 1980 book entitled:

    'MARIHUANA The First Twelve Thousand Years'

    Click here to read entire book on-line!

    Few have said it better...

        "Of all the plants men have ever grown, none has been praised and denounced as often as marihuana (Cannabis sativa).

        Throughout the ages, marihuana has been extolled as one of man's greatest benefactors and cursed as one of his greatest scourges.  Marihuana is undoubtedly a herb that has been many things to many people.

        Armies and navies have used it to make war, men and women to make love.  Hunters and fishermen have snared the most ferocious creatures, from the tiger to the shark, in its herculean weave.  Fashion designers have dressed the most elegant women in its supple knit.  Hangmen have snapped the necks of thieves and murderers with its fiber.  Obstetricians have eased the pain of childbirth with it's leaves.  Farmers have crushed its seeds and used the oil within to light their lamps.  Mourners have thrown its seeds into blazing fires and have had their sorrow transformed into blissful ecstasy by the fumes that filled the air.

        Marihuana has been known by many names: hemp, hashish, dagga, bhang, loco weed, grass- the list is endless. Formally christened Cannabis Sativa in 1753 by Carl Linnaeus, marihuana is one on nature's hardiest specimens.  It needs little care to thrive.  One need not talk to it, sing to it, or play soothing tranquil Brahms lullabies to coax it to grow.  It is as vigorous as a weed.  It's ubiquitous.  It flourishes under nearly every possible climatic condition.

        It sprouts from the earth not meekly, not cautiously in suspense of where it is and what it may find, but defiantly, arrogantly, confident that whatever the conditions ot has the stamina to survive."

  5. (it's spelt bird)


  6. Take some seeds from it for the next harvest.   Sell it to the neighborhood derelict.-Don't let them know who you are or where you live (so you don't end up in the orange jumpsuit).

    Then make a living at it!  Ha Ha Haaaaaa.........

  7. Hemp seeds are regular additions to beed seed mixes, as they are highly nutritious.  

    Hemp is  form of Cannabis, but doesn't typically contain the substances that affect people.  Depending on where you live, it may also be illegal to cultivate it, so be wary of allowing it to grow.  It used to be a common crop in many countries, as traditionally it was used to make rope, as it contains strong natural fibre, although this is now largely synthetic, and crop production came to be banned as other uses of Cannabis became outlawed. At one time many acres were used for Hemp production, and seeing it in fields was commonplace.

    Overall,  your next steps depend on where you live, as well as your personal values.  Some people might like it for its horticultural value,  whilst others would prefer to remain above the law, if they are in a place where it's not tolerated.

    It's also cultivated nowadays for clothing and other textiles, like here:

    Generally, Hemp seeds are openly sold,  it is the plant that is the problem.

    Hope this helps.  Good luck!  Rob

  8. get rid of it before the neighborhood cats get at it, or the neighborhood kids :)

  9. Search for all the right answers to your question.  RScott

  10. According to Barach O,burn it while inhaling. Do not inhale, according to Bill C.

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