
I found a clam. how much is it worth?

by  |  earlier

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it was in a river and when i opened it, it didnt have a pearl, but the top and bottom was a pearlish color, like a silvery color. It looks old and the size of an adult's fist. It was hard, too. I dont know f this will help, too, but it has a lot of 'rings' on top so... yea. What should I do with it and how much do you think it would be worth? Or where should i go to find out.




  1. Oh, this is cute. It is worthless, but if you think it is cool, keep it.

  2. no pearl = chuck it

  3. are you f.u.c.k.i.n.g retarded??  a clam?  honestly?  the water is like, full of those things!

  4. you should leave it when you found it

  5. It's worth nothing. Clams are very very common, so unless it's like 3 feet across, it's useless.

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