
I found a dead bigfoot here in Georgia where I live. Should I get it stuffed and mounted?

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I found a dead bigfoot here in Georgia where I live. Should I get it stuffed and mounted?




  1. Yeah, you should stuff it and mounted.

    Have it in a funny pose too... that would be hilarious!

  2. really would you send me a picture and well quite honestly you should get the press involved

  3. The question should be about when. Do you have a press conference first and than have it stuffed and mounted? Or do you have it stuffed and mounted and than have the press conference?  

  4. Sure,and good luck with the dead "Bigfoot".

  5. Couldn't hurt.

  6. I live in GA too! Take it out to eat. Then eat it.

  7. It would have been easier if you stuffed the costume with something other than possum guts in the first place if you intended to have it mounted

  8. Throw it into Cakeland! Then, the creature's soul will be so happy!

    Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.

  9. Put it in a freezer for two weeks, then tell Fox News that you found it, then hold a press conference and not release any evidence of what you have.

    Thats the Georgian way.

  10. i think you should if you want to take it in and get lots of money for it !

  11. Sounds like a fantastic idea. Just keeps the guts in a zip lock bag in a freezer incase any one wants to run DNA samples on it.  So they can tell you its an unknown animal.  

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