
I found a dress I like but...?

by  |  earlier

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It isn't long sleeved. Here's the dress:

The shawl the model is wearing is beautiful. Do you think I could get a seamstress to take a shawl or fabric like it and make bell sleeves out of it to put on the dress?




  1. sure sleeves can be added.  you might also look into lacy coordinated jacket :)  happy nuptuals!

    btw: the dress is gorgeous

  2. The dress is not add sleeves to it at all!

  3. I love the dress! i was thinking maybe you can find a jacket to go with it. here are a few I found, but look around I am sure you can find something!  Good luck and congrats!

  4. i think the dress looks great as it.  you could always put make up on your arms, tattoo cover up would work (you can find those at a bridal shop), or you could try dermabrasion or however you say or spell it.  its that scar removal.  thats a beautiful dress.  good luck!

  5. if you get her to make it kinda off the sholder bell sleeves... I think they would be beautiful.... but it might cost you a bit.

  6. Undoubtedly.

    Ask your friends and family if they know of anyone good, word of mouth is usually the best way to get recommendations for things like this.

  7. It's a beautiful gown. Don't change a thing or it will destroy the overall effect! DB has some sheer cropped jackets that would solve your problem.

  8. What about wearing long gloves instead of altering it to include sleeves?

  9. nowadays, photographers can remove things from pictures.  if you have a zit, a scar, usually can be edited.

    that dress is so pretty, i wouldn't do a thing to it!  maybe you could have a seamstress make it into a removable piece that is long sleeves?

  10. That is a beautiful dress! U feel in love with it and know it is "THE" dress so don't change it.  The scars, if you're worried about them showing in pictures, they can actually photo shop it and remove them.  Plus, your fiance fell in love with you, even with your scars you are still the most beautiful women in the world. Good luck with your decision.

  11. It is a beautiful dress and I think the idea of using that shawl fabric for sleeves would be beautiful as well.  It would provide just amount of coverage for what you want, but not completely change to look of the dress.

    You have two options: 1. do a peasant style "caplet" sleeve, like this:

    but long.  Just added on to the bodice so it makes a square neckline.

    or 2. you could have the seamstress make a sheer bodice added sleeves onto that and then you can have whatever type of neckline you want, kind of like this: but without the whole bodice being over-laid.

    Hope that helps!

  12. Wow!  That dress is gorgeous!!  I'm sure that a good seamstress could make a wrap or something to cover to cover your arms out of the shawl.  There are probably quite a few ways to do it that would like nice.

    Congrats on the wedding and good luck with your dress.  It really is beautiful!  =0)

  13. It is a beautiful dress but I agree it wouldn't look right with sleeves.  Couldn't you just use the scarf as a shawl and wrap it around your arms?

  14. The answer is you probably could. They can work wonders with material. But I'm with Kari B. It might look funny with sleeves on it. I guess, you could go to a seamstress and have them create a visual of it for you. That might work. Then you could see it without possibly ruining the dress.

    It's a beautiful dress by the way. You have excellent taste.

  15. sure go check it out just ask... and by the way beautiful dress!

    good luck with eaverything to :) !

  16. if you want sleves then yes a semetress can make them but the dress would look held back with sleves

    Try wearing it like it is!

    Im sure you would look great in it

  17. i like that dress a lot its like a ball dress or it could be a prom dress lol

  18. 1- its worth taking photos to a seamstress and asking.  Go to a shop, find the dress and see what its made of, they will want to know.

    2- yopu can always ahve the shawl on for the photos

    3-the photographer should be able to airbrush the scars out of the photos without a problem.

  19. if you do the sleves make sure they are the gold part of the shawl not the white! however just my opinion but your scars are part of who you are and your fiance loves you for them not despite them! so if they do show I think it would be okay!

  20. i love the dress. you know some photographers can make it where the scars wont show...ask your is they can!

  21. I've learnt that you shouldn't buy something if it doesn't fit perfectly because it might not turn out after ou try to fix it. I don't think that it would really look very good, if the designer wanted it with long sleeves thats how he would have made it. Try just having a white pashmina or maybe gold or just trying being cold i guess

    hope that helped

  22. I can see why you fell in love with the dress.  It is stunning!

    Take a picture to a seamstress and ask what she can do with it.  The bodice of the dress will end up being different to accommodate sleeves and you may or may not like the result.

    Another possibility is having the seamstress make you a shrug out of a sheer fabric such as the shawl shown in the picture or maybe a light organza.  More of a fitted sleeve, though, rather than bell sleeves.  Bell sleeves would compete with the shape of the dress.

  23. that is a beautiful dress... being a fashion designer i would have to say depending on the fabric type and the weather it could be possible.  in addition it would depend on the type of stiching.  i think that it look nice with 3/4 length sleves insted of full length.  congrats on getting married!!!

  24. It would look cool with sleeves like that. The seamstress would know what to do to make it look nice. I like it. Good Luck! And I think sleeves will look great.

    sleeves like that would ROCK!! SO cute with the gold detailing!


  26. That dress is beautiful. Im only 11 but i have been watching the wedding channel since i was like 6.

    &&im very creative with dresses and stuff.

    I would do a gold shawl. But i wouldnt get sleves added on. it would take the beauty away. &&you can always go down the isle with a shawl on. you would look unique.

  27. Yes, that would be beautiful. I love sleeved wedding gowns... so much classier than the over-played strapless trend going on right now >.<

  28. OOOOoooohhh....That's So beautiful!!!

    If you are self-conscious about your scars, you could have sleeves added, or possibly find the makeup that they use to hide tattoos. could go with something like has big bell sleeves!!

  29. That dress is beautifull, I don't think you could add sleeves on but if you really want it with sleeves you'd need to take photo to a seamstress to see if they could do anything.

  30. I would say to take this photo to a seamstress and ask. You might have to buy two shawls to make sleeves, because it would give the seamstress more material. Definitely ask a seamstress though first! But, I don't see how someone wouldn't be able to work with that for you. Besides, I know that when you find the one, it's the one! If the first person says they can't do it, keep looking!

  31. OMG. Thats gorgeous! Of course you can get someone to alter it. Ask around. Lots of people are talented and it could be costly yet that would be very unique and awesome!

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