
I found a dying bird what should I do?

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The bird is missing a few feathers, so its not fledging. I found it on the grass, it fell down on top of a cable wire. Its mom just left it there. I put it in a warm towel, and I feed it, I also let it sleep. Tell me what to do, I don't want it to die.




  1. I always have birds with nest all around my house and they tend to fall out also. What you need to do is take it and be very careful , keep it calm so it dosent freak out and have a heart attack. Put it in a cardboard box. one time a baby hawk fell out of its nest and it died because it got over heated, so make sure it dosent get over heated, dont feed it or give it anything to drink unless you have the proper tools. Bring it to the closest bird rescue center or bird sanctuary. if they aren't open just keep it in a box for the night and bring it to them as soon as possible they know what to do and will feed it a nd hyderate it

  2. Call an Animal Rescue or Wildlife Rehabilitator. They will be abel to access the health of the bird to see if it needs medical treatment.  Wild birds can carry and contract West Nile Virus and need to be handled with care.

  3. If it is fine jus continue feeding it till it can fly on its on..Or bring it to a pet shop? or vet? :) don't worry, God will give you the wisdom to take care of the bird

  4. You need to keep it warm and in a quiet location.  You need to find a wildlife rehabbe in your area.  What are you feeding it? What kind of bird is it?   Do not give it liquid inside its mouth, do not inject anything using a syringe.  You could cause it to aspirate and then it would die.  Does it eat on its own?

    If you need to feed it then it needs to be fed a dog food based diet.  Soak dry dog/cat food and then blend it to the consitency of oatmeal and feed it from the end of a stir stick or a straw cut to a spoon, like a slurpee straw.

    Never feed worms as they can cause gapeworm which can be fatal, never feed raw hamburger, bread, crackers, milk (lactose intolerant)

    Sometimes a baby may be weak or the one too many but with the proper care it can thrive and be strong enough to be rehabilitated. It still has a chance and for every baby someone picks up off the ground and gets it the proper care then that is one more life saved.

    I have raised and released with the help of starling talk.  I am also the proud momma of a 1 year old starling and a 11 day old baby starling.... Starling Talk also has a wonderful message board with many knowledgeable people to help....

  5. Do not feed it.  Do not give it water.  Can you return it to the nest?  That is the best thing for it.  

    Thanks for caring.  

    Mom could not do - what - come and carry it up?  No, she would have fed it and looked over it, while it was on the ground.  What kind of bird is this??

  6. There are a few reasons why you found the baby on the ground the #1 reason is if there is something medically wrong with the baby the bird will sense it and will push it out of the nest.

    Another reason could be that a another bird stole it from the nest to kill and eat and it accidently dropped it, because many small birds including the parents will chase after an attacking bird that has stolen an egg or a chick and they will peck the attacking bird in flight

    Now here is the major problem is most birds in the US are either or State or Federally protected by laws and getting caught with a protected bird can get you a fine.

    The link I posted for you will give you information about what to do with a wild baby bird and who  to contact to get help for it. But the grim thing is. think about how far the baby fell and take in mind that it could have internal injuries that can not be corrected. Baby birds need to be keep warm, and if it is in shock and shock can kill fast then an injury. So seek help by someone who is licensed and trained in wild bird care in your area.


    Certified Avian Specialist

  7. hurry and take him to your local vet. if you dont have one were you live then do what you doing and just keep him warm... do not take him to pet store because they wont kno what to do

  8. Call Jesus!!

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