
I found a ferret... and it always squeeks when we come to close to it...

by  |  earlier

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its in a box with food and water... and im scared what if it bightsa me or somethiung... any tips/




  1. He's probably just afraid. Try one foot in the air, then one step, two steps etcetra until you get close. Ferrets don't bite much.

  2. Where do you live?

    Are you sure it's a ferret?

    We've had two cases a few years ago where we were called cause people had found a "ferret", one turned out to be a least weasel and the other was actually a mink in Michigan.

    Either way, whatever it is, do  not mess with it, but take it to a shelter or at least to a vet. They might be able to help you with it or, if nothing else, at least take a look at it to make sure there's nothing wrong with it.

    Good luck.

    PS: Ferrets don't bite much???

            I've had my hands turned into hamburger meat by a scared 5 month old kit just before it passed out and almost died. Like I said, don't mess with it.

  3. Don't keep it, tell the humane society and they'll take care of it (they know how)

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