
I found a garter snake 2 months ago and it just had 20 babies. what should i feed them?

by  |  earlier

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it's been one day since the births. i was thinking about feeding them the smallest crickets i can find at the pet store. any other ideas?




  1. You need to feed them crickets for now. Probably every other day, until the are big enough to eat pinky mice (or feeder fish, which are a lot cheaper). Hopefully they all make it.

  2. let them go... they can fend for themselves if they are wild and will survive better than being in your human made environment  

  3. If they're babies, try feeding them crickets until they're old enough for pinkies.

  4. You found it... as in was walking along and picked it up? Well obviously you don't have enough experiance to have bought the snake. You should really think about learning about what you doing before you just decide to keep a snake.

  5. Feed them small earthworms- they won't eat crickets.

    I would suggest you release them where you found the mother.

    You will not be able to keep very many alive, if any.

  6. hiya wow 20 babies that's allot to take care of i had a similar situation but mine dint have so many i recommend u read this care sheet it will tell u everything u need to no hope this helps xxxx

  7. chop up worms they will eat them for sure then let them go they will not eat crickets at all crickets will eventually nibble on the baby garters

  8. THEY DON'T EAT CRICKETS! Holy cow, why does everybody assume they eat crickets? They are fish and frog eaters. Find rosey red minnows from the pet store or catch some small minnows. Really though, you should release them since they were meant to be in the wild since that's where you found the mother.

  9. Maybe they drink milk from they're mother....

  10. Hi, We have a garter snake among many others.  I would suggest that you try small crickets, not pinkies yet.  If they do not show no interest you may have to force feed them.  But be gentle as they are very very small.  When they get a little bigger then you can try small pinkies.  Gosh I wish you luck!!!!!!  That was a neat find!

  11. REALLY  My daughter did the same--and her snake had 26 babies.  But they all died.  We could find nothing to feed them.  Ask at the pet store--they might help you.

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