
I found a hornet type thing in my garden.?

by  |  earlier

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But upon searching it on Google and Wikipedia, i found it was not a Bee, Wasp or Hornet.

What is it?

I will add a picture later.




  1. Perhaps a one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eater.

  2. It's a Cicada Killer Wasp.

    It doesn't attack humans unless provoked and live alone rather than in colonies or hives. They eat other insects and live alone. They are not killers

    Or it might a Hover Fly a stingless species of fly that resembles a wasp in color but with fly-eyes.

  3. Africanized killer bees. They've been waiting ten years to lull us into a false sense of security, but now they're on the attack.

  4. possibly a velvet ant, but you didn't give enough info. I know they're all over in the midwest and south, are pretty huge and can inflict nasty bites.

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