
I found a probelm but a cool problem??

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Muscle cars are coming back wether honda wants to admit it the charger,challegner,camaro, possibly the gto,the mustasng there back and mean and fast, but with gas prices throguh the roof what will happen?

All i know is that the big three are allll about performence again and although not towards the youth it will somehow be brought to them. My friend and i were debating that if muscle cars were back that maybe ethanol and hydrogen could be out for sale i mean both fuels so bread prices are through the roof and hydrogen for people who can afford hydro cars because last time i checked, none could a fford a hydro car easy.

What will happen between the rebirth of America's pride and joy's overcome by gas prices or maybe the thought of alternative fuel might make the ethanol more popular because gas will be expensive so peeople will run on ethanol???




  1. No one knows what tomorrow will bring. The whole thing could turn around and oil could get cheap again.

  2. Take it to another level. Imagine a energy source that can power up an engine to 80,000 RPMs. No reduction gearbox required since the engine will produce its' own magnetic field that insulates it from the magnetic field of the Earth and is essentially Anti-Gravity. No need to worry about G forces. Do Patent search at the site and you may see what is being worked on. Your muscle car all of a sudden is junk.

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