
I found a stry chihuahua mix I need advice.?

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Should I go to the vet and get her shots and everything? She may have already had them. I dont know. She was drinking out of my flower pot pan and I picked her up she had big nasty mats and I bathed her and I fed her She seams healthy and I hung up found chihuahua mix and posted it in the newspaper. Should I take her to get shots? Also Can I tell if she is spayed? Should I have her spayed or wait a while in case her old owners come? I have had her a week now no one has called! She looked starved and her nails were long and she looked like she was a stray for a long long time! In my opinion! Thanks for any and all advice!




  1. Adpot her and take her to the vet. If she already has shots, then just give her name.

  2. I would take her to the vets and let the vets check her out-females are spayed on the side near the rear leg-, they may have received calls from someone missing a dog, but the people have given up finding it because its been gone for so long. I would not yet get her vacinated as if she has been vacinated, its could hurt her being so small to be overdosed. but if the vets says she hasn't been vacinated, then he should should know and let him give her the shot. I would get her spayed ASAP if she not allready once you know for sure you can't track her owner down! Also not there are longhaired chihuahua!

    The vets maybe able to scan her for a microchip, if she has one!

    See the area where this cat is clipped? that where the female spaying is usually done, there usually scar there!

    she was one of mine! both cats died in a housefire, soon after we rescued them

  3. you should bring her to a shelter or vet and have her scanned for a microchip. if she has had a microchip implanted her microchip number will be registered with her owners and you can contact them that way.

    if you can't find her owners and you're going to keep her:

    1. you should bring her to the vet for a check up to see if she's healthy. if she has been on the streets for a while, she may be in a bad condition (i.e. drinking dirty water, eating garbage, etc.)

    3. she can get her vaccines again whether she has gotten them before or not. the vet can probably feel her for a scar or something to see if she was spayed or not.  

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