
I found a tarantula in the house, are their more where this one came from?

by  |  earlier

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the body is about 2 1/2 inches and the legs fan out making it about 7 inches, is it a baby? My main consern is " is there more"




  1. Quickly call the insect people to come and spray your house with those deadly toxic things.

    To be on the safe side.

    if you dont want to be really safe, just think that it accidnetly stumbled upon your house and decided to go in and pay a visit.

    My sujestion is to get the cat on alert and when you see Fluffy catching her paws on something, quickly spray that area with INsectide or something.

  2. Be sure as to what you saw here -

    Preventing Spider Problems

    There are many ways to make your home less appealing to spiders. If there are cracks in your foundation or around windows and doors, seal them up.

    Check places where water pipes and electrical lines enter your house, and caulk any openings.

    Keep woodpiles and debris away from your house.

    In storage areas, put boxes up off the floor and away from walls.

    Seal boxes with tape to keep spiders from living inside them. In general, cleaning up clutter will mean you have fewer spiders.

    Pruning vegetation away from your house and keeping the area next to the foundation clear will also make your house less attractive to spiders.

    Outdoor lighting sometimes attracts insects, which in turn attracts spiders. You can move outdoor lighting away from windows and doors if this is a problem around your home.

  3. some times they are carrying their babies in their hairy back, and when they are killed or captured, babies run away... did you see if there were baby runers?

    it is not a must that there are others.

    good luck.

  4. Unless you are in Africa or Australia. Its not a tarantula

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