
I found a tree frog and im not sure what kind it is it.?

by  |  earlier

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It can be green brown or grey. and it has blackish spots on its back.Does anyone know what kind it is and how to take care of it




  1. Thank you very much for helping destroy the natural environment in your area with people like you there will be absolutely no animals left in nature for anyone else to enjoy. to properly take care of it is real simple RELEASE HIM BACK WHERE YOU FOUND HIM.

  2. It sounds like a regular frog that i find in my neighborhood i would release it and see what it does.

  3. its a grey tree frog.  you can keep it but when I say keep it I am talking about is your back yard a good habitat for this frog? a good habitat would have many trees and a water source like a permanant pond or even a puddle you can keep outside permanantly.  let him take care of himself, don't try to take care of him it is a lot of work and money ad time.

  4. keeping wild caught frogs/toads is cruel here's why

    ok some wild caught (WC) frogs just die im captivity no real reason it just happens add this the number that die from stress stress related disease then ur hitting quite a high number. also wc frogs have shortened lifespans stress related behavior disorders and tend to get ill easy. wc almost never have a good quality of life its cruel to the animal.

    Frogs arent as easy to keep as some people think, i dunno who this culture has emerged that thinks frogs are as easy to keep as fish but there not they require specific care

    finally disease and parasites are an issue. some frogs carry disease that can be passed onto humans but the main risk is to other frogs. when frogs are placed in a tank together disease can run writhe making both frogs ill and making for an unpleasant environment add this too there lowered immune system due to the stress of being snatched from the wild and u have a recipe for disaster

    these arent toys u should really put them back do some research then if u still want a frog get it from the pet store

  5. leave it alone!

  6. the tree frog can take care of itself and was doing a splendid job until  you came along.  please release it.

  7. A frog landed on my shoe while I was watering the plants. I gave it a shower and it jumped back...where I continued giving it a shower....cos frogs like water and their skin dry up. It's now happily roaming my garden after having dried itself off.

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