
I found a very small, bald, baby ,bird and it was being eatin by ants what do i do.?

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i kno your not suppose to feed them but the mother didnt come. i watched it for lke an hour and a half..its very small and has no feathers at all and is still pink.. What do i feed it and how much a day.




  1. Dont touch it cause you could get lice, maybe. If you think the mother might come back, then put it somewhere where the ants cant get it and maybe it will live??

  2. this is what you do... chew up some worms, hold the baby bird to your mouth and let it eat out of your mouth. when it's big and strong, teach it to fly

  3. I've tried to save many of such little birds, but none survived, except for one, but it was almost full-grown. Little chance, I'm afraid. It has probably been thrown out of it's nest because it's too weak. (birds do that) You can try to feed on on worms (little bits, try patting the bird on it's beak) and water. Don't feed it grains, the bird can't swallow them. Put it in a dark box at first, it might decrease stress. Put a newspaper in it and lots of leaves. That the best I've done so far, with the surviving bird.

  4. you don't feed it there. you leave it alone. it could be sick.

  5. Don't try to feed it. It will be more scared poor little thing. Leave it where her mother can see it and stay away because she won't come if she sees you near her child. I'm sorry for it really, i like animals but that's nature...

  6. Sorry sis it won't live.

  7. You can feed it very tiny bread crumbs of wheat bread. Then give it one drop of water. Keep it warm the poor thing is probably hurting from being biten. It may not live but it's always worth a try.

  8. Feed it nothing.

    If the bird is a nestling, (bald, down or pin feathers) it belongs in a nest.   If you can locate the correct nest - please put the baby back in it.

    BIRDS CANNOT SMELL HUMANS.  99.9% of all birds have a poor sense of smell.  They will not reject a baby that has been touched.

    If you cannot locate the nest, please contact a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.

    Check this link for worldwide listings:

    In the US, rehabilitation is regulated by the Federal government and State DNR depts. Services are free to the public, as all native wild birds are protected by federal law.

    There are several sites with listing of rehabbers, although the easiest way to find one is to search Yahoo! or Google for "wildlife rehabilitation + your state (full and abbreviated)". Also search on "DNR rehabilitation + your state".

    You may be able to find a contact for a nearby rehabber through your local humane society, animal shelter, or police department.

    Links are also available on these sites:

  9. you should just leave it there sorry its normol

  10. It is very sweet of you to try to help the baby bird.  I know it is hard to watch such an innocent little thing in trouble and not know what to do.  It is an awful thing, but if there are ants on the baby bird then it has been abandoned by the parents.  Im not sure how birds can tell, but they know when something is wrong with a baby and they leave it to ensure the best care for the babies that will be healthy and live to adulthood to reproduce.  Even with special care by experts, the baby has no chance of surviving at this point.  The kindest thing to do is remove the ants as best you can and put the bird somewhere shady where it can live out its remaining time on earth.  You might want to put a drop of water into its beak to help make it comfortable.  

    Since you seem to care for birds, it would be nice if you started a bird feeder or a birdbath to help other birds at your house or near where you live.

  11. dont just leave it there if you want it to die. take it to a vet or something. put it in a small bed with water. if you leave it there itsgoing to die

  12. What about the poor ants, they need to eat also, let them feed off of it. Its nature's way of keeping the world in balance.

  13. just dont touch it, it may have some kind of disease.

  14. I know it sounds cruel but let nature take its toll. It will die even if you try to take care of it. There is nothing you can do. These things happen.

  15. Immediately contact a permitted songbird rehabilitator in your area.  It is vital that the bird be correctly identified and put on the correct diet based on the species.  Hatchling songbirds require feedings every 20 to 30 minutes about 14 hours of the day.  Until you can find the help you need, offer the hatchling very tiny, bite-sized pieces of cut up fruit with a high fluid content...  blueberries, watermelon, strawberries, grapes every 30 minutes using tweezers.  This will keep the bird hydrated safely and sustain it until you can get it the help it needs.  This is not a long term solution.  Please do not offer the bird drops of water as baby birds aspirate (get fluid in their lungs) easily.  Good luck!

  16. There lies the problem, the stomachs of chicks that young are not fully developed, the mothers regurjitate into the chicks mouths, this allows the substance to be digested much more easily. Also, they eat often. I found 2 chicks myslef, tried everything to keep them alive, but, they are unable to digest solid foods, insects or worms at that stage, and unfortunately, they both died. Try not to get attached to them, becuase they will not be alive much longer, they are very needy, and require half digested food, many times daily, and need to maintain a warm atmosphere to survive. There is no need in trying to take it back hoping the mother will take it back either, now it is scented by you, the mother will not recognize it and will reject it. Sorry, future does not look good for the little fellow.

  17. all this germs and disease nonsense. sure it could have something but hey what do we have an immune system for. Your immune system isn't nothing with out practice and it needs germs to practice on.

    As for the Bird. Always give a try to help. It shouldn't have to suffer. Taking it to the vet like some one else suggested may be the best coarse of action they may have the tools to give it the best chances for survival. However unfortunately in this case like other have said the odds are against it. However you show compassion and show humility which are great traits. good luck.

  18. although its not ideal, you can feed baby birds with scrambled egg. depending on the type of bird it will either need crushed up seed fed by tweezers, small meal worms/maggots/insects (which your local pet shop will probably sell). also, depending on the breed it will need to be fed between every 10 and 20 mins!! your best bet is to give it a while longer out side where the mother can see it (but away from the ants!!) then if the mother doesn't come, take it to your local vets/wildlife recue centre. as a few people have said the odds are stacked against the poor thing but it deserves a chance. it lasted this long, (just be careful if its a seagull, the parents can get VICIOUS!! and they only feed a few times a day). i wouldn't suggest trying to hand rear it yourself though, its a LOT of hard work!

  19. please see below link

  20. .  If it is unfeathered...then look for a nest and if you can find it...replace it into the nest.  Do not worry about your scent being on the chick..birds have a very poorly developed sense of smell and will NOT reject a baby that has been touched.  If you cannot find a nest, get the bird to a local wildlife rehab for it's best chance of survival.  Also, keep in mind, it is illegal for you to try and raise this bird on your own.  Look for a rehab here:

  21. Yep indeed.No chance.

  22. i wouldnt do anything; instead take it to a vet or an animal hospital and they know will know what to do w/it... i dont think it will cost you either

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