
I found a white bird egg outside in the lawn. What do I do with it?

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I was outside with my dog when she started l*****g something white. I went over to see what it was and it was a White bird egg. all it had was a TEENY TINY crack on the side but just barely!!!

its about 1 inch long and 1/2 an inch wide, pure white, and if i look at it a certain way i can see liquid like stuff in side of it!!!





  1. Without proper heating an egg dies very quickly. If you found it in the lawn, chances are a mother bird knew it had died and kicked it out of the nest. The egg is dead.

    And by the way, it is a MYTH that a bird won't take care of a baby or an egg if a human touches it. That was told to me by an ASPCA technician when I found a baby bird last summer.

  2. it seems like its dead.  if u want to try and keep it warm then have fun.  a mother wont take it back once you have touched it and your dog wasprobley l*****g off the yolk that came out of the crack.

    RIP poor baby chick!

  3. Sorry to have to say: throw it in the trash. No bird will ever come near it because it had been touched by a human and a dog; and it is cracked, so there is no chance of it surviving by any natural or man made means. It's just as good as a regular egg you were getting ready to cook and dropped on the floor. Maybe a snake would eat it, but probably not because it is already cracked and would be spoilded.

  4. If it is not dark on the inside then it is not a fertile egg, unless it is too soon for a chick to be growing.

  5. well i would look for a nest

    if there is one put it in it

    if there isn't you should put it in a box with towels and put in under a warm light

    see if it hatches

    it might be dead though :(

  6. Either  try to place it back in its nest gently or take it inside put it in a box with a towl or somekind of nesting material and place under a heat lamp and see if it hatches.

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