
I found a young pigeon <span title="help!!!!Please...........?">help!!!!Please..............</span>

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Ok i found a young pigeon he or she isnt old enough to fly he has most of his feathers but not around his neck ...I could not leave it where we found it because a cat was trying to kill it he was hiding but not good enough the parents were on top of a store but we werent allowed to place him back in his nest so now he is in my home in a large bird cage i dont know what to do with him,I have birds of my own but not this kind so im lost ive read some tips but nothing is open right now and i dont know what to do for him i live in New York on the island any advise would be welcome please help id hate to have anything happen to him ...I wish i could put him back but between the kids teasing him and the cats ,rats and other critters im worried HELP!!!Thank you so very much Christine




  1. Call a wildlife rehab agency- NOW.

    You are not capable of taking care of this WILD bird- if you were you wouldn&#039;t be asking for how to advice!!

    This bird is protected by federal law- it is a felony for you to have it!


  2. Try this link for the New York City Pigeon Rescue

    The bird will need antibiotic therapy.   Cats have a bacteria in their saliva that is deadly to birds, so this bird needs help quickly.

    Best of luck to you!

  3. o.k...So you have other birds, it&#039;s fantastic that YOU found him.. :-)

    Follow your instincts...He just needs nutrition and kindness...Unless you want to actually keep him, try to limit human exposure...

    Also, most commercial bird foods contain antibiotics that can be harmful to a wild bird...It might be best to call a feed store and see if they have anything such as a &quot;chicken mash&quot; that does NOT contain antibiotics...I&#039;m not an expert but have successfully reared several wild birds...One that turned out to be a neighborhood

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