
I found an injured box turtle in my backyard, need help?

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Part of its shell is on a hinge, where its left leg is and it can't really walk. It seems like it has been like that for a while, it has flies roaming around it and i think the flies laid eggs on it and theres also maggot like things wiggling around where its hurt. What can i do? The nearest animal shelter is at least 2 hours away, and im sorry but i can't tell my parents to drive up there for a turtle. But i want to help it.




  1. 1. Don't worry about the maggots- they eat dead tissue that would otherwise rot and kill the turtle.

    2. Make sure it is safe where it is, or move it to a nearby area it IS safe and leave it alone.

    3. The fact that there are maggots there suggests the injury is old enough that there is not a lot you can do to help at this point.

    While it is great that you want to help, the sad fact is that most animals, of any species, do better left alone unless you have access to either a vet that deals a lot with that kind of animal, or a wildlife rehabber with experience in that animal.

    Box turtles in the wild survive terrible injuries all the time.  On the other hand, they frequently do not do well in captivity for many reasons.

    Say a prayer for it, and let it heal on its own.

  2. Can you call a local vet or emergency hospital?  Most of them have wildlife rehabbers on standby to pick up injured wildlife.  Rehabbers deal with exotic vets, so they'll be able to get it the help it needs.  Thanks for trying to help him!

  3. Theres nothing you can do exept bring it to a vet. Check around for a vet. Most vets work with people who will take the turtle back to the wild for free. Theres nothing you can do at home, it'll die if you dont take it to a vet.

  4. The turtle needs to see a vet. Rinse the injury with hydrogen peroxide, try to rinse as many maggots out as you can. The maggots are eating dead tissue in the wound. I need to see the injury. Can you take a picture and e-mail it to me? I have fixed turtles with broken shells but never long distance. Do the other legs work? E-Mail me.

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