
I found an odd coin?

by  |  earlier

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I dound a nickel that seems to be played with a little too much. Two sides of the nickel are what looks to be smashed in. And all the writing is smudged to the point where i cant read it. The date was also cut out.

The only number I am certain of is a '4' and what appears to be a 5 in front of it, though i a uncertain. (I dont know if that helps at all)

What could have done this to the nickel, was it the machine that made it? Or a person that did somethin to it?

I will try to get a picture if i can.

(sorry for my spelling if anything is spelled wrong)




  1. someone put it on a train track

  2. i think it might be squashed from a car driving over it or anything else going over it.

  3. Maybe someone got railroad coin happy.

  4. With all the damage you describe it could not have been done at the mint, so some one damaged the coin. As to how, one may never know.

  5. Some people that are stressed rub a coin or a rock or whatever, but the point is it's probaly a coin from lon ago tht was rubbed alot. hope it helps;)
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