
I found an old postcard of two babies from 1908. I have names, how do I find their families?

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It's a postcard of two baby girls and on the back is written their names and the year of their birth, 1908. My family doesn't know who these babies belonged to, but I thought it would be neat if I could find a relative to give it to... I don't have much use for a postcard showing people I don't know. Any idea how I could research these women or their families?




  1. Just look in the white pages phone book, look under the names you have.


    People post all kinds of old photos on these websites, with Location  and names of who had the photos, often Genealogists can make the connect, because who had the photo had to be a friend or relative.

  3. Absolutely.   If you post the names (location if possible?), we can pick up the trail in the census (if in the US), narrow down the family, then do search for anyone researching it.  The UK census is only open up to 1901, so it makes a difference.  One of our regulars here is in the UK, and in touch with those sources, so she might be able to find info as well.

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