
I found another baby mourning dove on the ground....what are the chances of its legs being broken?

by  |  earlier

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he/she fell approximately 8 ft. and 2 inches. ( i just measured it rite now) are the legs broken? one of its legs was like splayed...

I put it back into the nest (don't worry) but it seems like the mother isn't feeding it. When i saw the baby dove, it's crop was empty. After i put it into the nest, the mom was only feeding the other baby, and not the baby tat i put back.

I'm taking care of a pair of baby mourning doves right now. They fell out of another nest in my backyard, but this time i couldn't find their nest, and their parents weren't anywhere to be seen. They're doing great, and ive been rescueing birds since i was in 2nd grade (im in 12th now) so i think i have some experience.

should i take the baby bird away from his/her mother so i can feed it?




  1. yes you should because the mother is just going to let it die. the bird is not going to make it without help because he can not get around with broken legs i had a bird with two broken legs and i had to feed him every day because he could not get up to the food dish so i know they will die he is going to need care for the rest of his life.

  2. hi can you give me tips on feeding them? that would be great, because morning doves nested on my porch, and always, one baby falls out, and we put it back,and keeps getting pushed out, and i want to know how to feed it

  3. You should not be raising wild baby birds as this is illegal.  Also, how do you know that the other two birds you are raising were not being cared for by their parents..birds rarely abandon their babies.  Also, you do know that birds leave the nest BEFORE they can fly.  Just because a bird is hopping around on the ground does not neccessarily mean it has been abandoned or needs help.  The parents are usually nearby watching and caring for them.  How long did you watch the babies in the nest.  If you only watched the parents come in for one feeding and saw them not feed one chick that is NOT enough.  Many feedings will have the parents only feeding one chick...they will sometimes feed one chick several times in a row before they feed the other..sometimes they will feed depends.  You need to watch  continually for some time to determine if they are feeding both.  Don't get too close to the nest, watch from afar with binoculars if possible.  Only if you are POSITIVE they are not feeding this bird, get it to a local wildlife rehab:

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