
I found it funny star if u like it~~!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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One of the world's greatest scientists was also recognised as the original absent minded professor. One day, on board a train, he was unable to find his ticket.

The conductor said, "Take it easy. You'll find it."

When the conductor returned, the professor stil;l couldn't find the ticket.

The conductor recognising the famous scientist said, "I'm sure you bought a ticket. Forget about it."

"You're very kind," the professor said, "but I must find it, otherwise I won't know where to get off!"




  1. pretty funny

  2. Ha

  3. really old but  a good wasnt Einstein..Einstein was famous for the boiled egg one  

  4. hahahahah!!!!!

    was that einstein???

    or newton??

  5. For a scientist he sure does have a bad memory, lol

  6. LOL.  Thanks for the Laugh!

  7. slightly funny

  8. Ehh not too funny.

  9. r u sure he wasn't

    the absent minded professor

    lol so hard cc

    x x x

  10. Funny, I'm not kidding about that.

  11. lol

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