
I found my old tennis raquet. It is a Spalding " Pancho Gonzales" Profesional model. How old could it be?

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I found my old tennis raquet. It is a Spalding " Pancho Gonzales" Profesional model. How old could it be?




  1. There were actually quite a number of Gonzales models. The earliest date from 1952-3 to the last ones made in 1980. Without a picture it is hard to tell absolutely, but the Professional model had its heyday during the '60s, so a ballpark guess is that the racquet is about 45 years old. None of them are particularly valuable, but if it's in excellent condition and has the cover, then a price of $20-30 would be possible. Just imagine trying to hit 130 mph serves with that monster!

  2. I would say around 50 years old.    I saw Pancho play in the late 50's on the pro barnstorming tour.

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