
I found on my yard this morning: a phone, drivers license and keys, what should I do?

by Guest66833  |  earlier

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I live in a single family home in a quiet residential neighborhood. I have a quarter acre lot on a dead end street.

When I left for work today I found a drivers license, a set of keys and a cell phone. I tried looking up the person on switchboard using the address on the drivers license. No luck.

I could mail them everything or drive by the house. But maybe they are not living there anymore and why should I pay?

What were they doing in my yard last night anyway? Maybe I should drop it off at the police?




  1. The lack of intelligence displayed is frightening. Please tell me you don't live in the USA.

    Take all that stuff by the police station and tell them your story.  

  2. If your guna knick them, dont bother now, cos every1 knows you have them haha

    Hand em in boy

  3. Sounds like a drunk passed out on your lawn for a nap. Take them to the local police or ask the people that live around you.

  4. yes u shud cal to the house and if there no answer go to the cops and say how u got them

  5. Definitely take them to the police station! Do NOT drive by the house!

  6. call the police and tell them or take everything to the police station

  7. go burgel the house at the address ....... keep a copy of the driver license in case of retaliation ..... also then go commit another burglary and leave the driver license in a conspicous place at the crime scene so the individual gets busted for it

  8. I would drop it off at the police.  They have better resources for finding the person than you do. clue what they were doing in your yard!  lol  Not sure I would want to know.  

  9. Yep, take them to the police.

  10. Yes, call or drop it off at police station.  

  11. Well if I were you I would probably take them down to the police station and turn them in so that the person that the stuff belongs to can't claim that you were trying to use their cell phone for free or something.

  12. The best thing to do is go up and explain it to police. It's possible this person has ran away or possibly wants to commit suicide

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