
I found out everyone on here are big babys I ask a Question yesterday as a joke and everyone is throughing b?

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a baby fit I've seen worse question on here then what I wrote you big babys and I asked girls not guys to answer what the heck was guys answering they think there girls now. If you cant take a joke why are you here big babys.




  1. boohoo to u

  2. well Boohoo then!  you're just sooooo silly!

  3. If people didn't get that it was a joke, then it probably wasn't very well or very clearly written so as to resemble a joke.  So it's probably your own d**n fault.  Now who's the crybaby?

  4. don't you know it.

    I ask a question and there is all ways a smart a$$. some people just can't be nice because there miserable. so there put there negative c**p out there for everyone.

  5. Ok, I actually looked back at your last questions and could not find any that said girls only to answer so maybe be a bit clearer when asking your questions.  Of course you are always going to get some guys answering anyway because hey there is no girl/guy filter when you post.  Just take the answers as you see them-serious or not.  Dont let stupid things bother you.

  6. This forum is not for joking.  It is for answering questions.

    By the way, this is not a question.

  7. Hello my dear. I've looked thoroughly through your posting in search of your specific question and I've failed to find it.  You do indeed end your post with what one could argue is a question of inquiry. But it's not because that was not your intention. And it doesn't come from reason.

    But it appears to me you're angry and upset and perhaps even bored. And although misdirected, it seems to me  there's something going on elsewhere your life about which you're very unhappy.

    I don't know how old you are and cannot assume you are an adult or not an adult.  I could order you to "Grow Up!"  But that has never worked, right?   In any case I trust my answer provides some sort of direction. It's completely up to you to take it or leave it, of course.  One thing I do want you to know is that there are people in the world who listen to you. You have a voice and you are heard.

    Whatever you're unhappy about does not get resolved completely in a "jab and stab" posting. You will and perhaps have gotten temporary relief or high euphoria-for-a-minute.  But the underlying thing remains unresolved, whatever that thing is. And it can be resolved if you're willing to have it be resolved.  But it doesn't get resolved here.  I think you know that too.

    There are indeed thousands of other places more appropriate than Yahoo Answers for jokes, humor and that sort of thing. Many are and would be willing to pay you for your submission.  I don't care how much money you have or you don't have.  Your time and resources are best spent sending your jokes, humor and that sort of thing to places where you could generate revenue.

    Best regards

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