
I found out i am pregnant at 4 wks. what is the earliest YOU ever found out YOU were pregnant?

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what is the latest, how far along were you. tell me a story!




  1. i've just found out today that i'm pregnant and i'm 3 wks and 3 days

  2. i found out bout 4weks aswell my partner n i were trying for a baby so i was keeping an eye on anything that was different in my body da 1st sign was sore nipples which i never ad b4... took a test but neg so waited another week an took another an sure enuff postive :)

  3. 3 wks and 6 days, but whos counting.  I knew when my b***s started hurting everyday for 2 wks after my last period and they just got worse. I wanted to wait until my drs appt and do one then. The suspense of not knowing for sure, was killing me. After my dr confirmed it, I screamed and hugged him.  

  4. I found out at 3 weeks.. I had some symptoms and I just knew what it was. 1 week before my period was suppose to come I got a positive test.

  5. Exactly two weeks maybe a little under.  I took a blood test at my doctors office in the military.  I lied and told them I got a pos. urine test at home.  It came up pos. at the very last second. Got to love blood test.

  6. i found out 6 days before my period was due,and this is my 2nd i am now 10 weeks along

  7. With both of my kids I just knew I was pregnant probably days after it happened, so about 3 days before I should have even got a period I took a test and it was positive! Now I have a 2 year old, almost 4 year old and can't wait to get preggo with #3! BTW Congratulations!! :)

  8. Mine is pretty boring... found out at 6 weeks after I missed my period. My husband and I still call our daughter "Lima Bean" because that's what the very first sonogram looked like! We were in love with our lima bean from day one. She's now a smiley 3 month old.  

  9. I started getting a very faint positive about 5 days before my missed period.  So at about 3 1/2 weeks

  10. I found out I was pregnant Wednesday, and I was 3 weeks and 4 days along.  We did IVF (2nd time!) and so we got tested 2 weeks after the egg removal.  Today I am 4 weeks and 1 day! :)  Even though the drs told me not to, I couldn't help taking a hpt early. I had starting having symptoms about 5 days before the test, so Tuesday on my way home from work, I bought a test. Against my and my husband's better judgement, I took the test and it came out positive before I could finish peeing!!!!  I was pretty sure it was accurate, but we waited to celebrate until the nurse called with my blood test results.  We'll both be due in the beginning of May!  Congrats! and I hope you have a great pregnancy!

  11. I was about 6 weeks at the most and I'm preggo with number 3. But the dead give away for me was the bigger aerolas and the very sore and tender breast along with headaches every other day. And of course no period.

  12. With both pregnancies i found out at 3 weeks. The first time my hubby was going around telling everyone i was pregnant but i didnt know i was, all test were comming back negative. he wanted a baby so bad he was buying tests for me to take like everyday. When one finally came up positive i went to the doc to take one of theres and when the nurse found out i wasnt even late she kinda brushed me off and said it was neg. i then told her i had one come up pos. and she looked at it again and shes like it is positive. I was so mad at how rude she was, but i was only 3 weeks. Then with the second i thought i was like 6 weeks but i had an ultrasound and again was only 3 weeks. I guess i just know my body, but it kinda sucks cuz it makes your pregnancy really long when you find out early.

    Well Congrats on your pregnancy. . . hope i didnt bore you!

  13. I found out at 34 days so just under 5 weeks. My fiance (who was my fiance for 1 day, he proposed the night before, we had been trying but i usually got period at 33 days so i didnt think I was) he was going on a trip with some friends and just before he left I saw the pregnancy test and thought oh may as well use it, and i was pregnant! Called him up just before he got on the plane and told him the news. Now I have my beautiful baby boy and im getting married on the 24th of january

  14. I was 5 weeks, but I suspected before then.  The weird thing is, I had a miscarriage 5 weeks earlier and hadn't had a period yet.  I got to 5 weeks after my miscarriage and "felt" pregnant still. No symptoms, but just never felt like I'd stopped being pregnant after the miscarriage. So I checked, and sure enough....... No, I wasn't still pregnant, I was pregnant again.

  15. I was 3weeks.  I had been sleeping with this guy (we weren't together at the time, just "friends with benefits") and I panicked when I didn't get my period which had always been on time.  My mom's friend is an OBGYN so she gave me a blood test that day and I found out that day that I was indeed pregnant.  I even went for an ultrasound and all she was at that point was this little "bubble".  So I called her my "bubble baby" until I found out what I was having :)  I now have a very happy and ACTIVE 3 1/2 year old daughter!  The man I was having "fun" with at the time is now my boyfriend of almost 4 years and we are expecting our 2nd child *A BOY* (conceived on PURPOSE this time) and we found out about him at 4 weeks :)  

  16. I was very anxious to take that test because we were trying for a baby.  I took one of those early detection ones a few days before my missed period (about 12 days past ovulation) and it was negative.  I took one the day after my missed period and it was the faintest positive you can imagine.  I waited another week and took another just to be sure and it was a big fat positive!

  17. About 4-5 weeks!

  18. This may be TMI for some people but here goes: With my last pregnancy I used a portable ultrasound at the clinic so I knew EXACTLY when I ovulated (you can see the follicle on the ultrasound). My husband and I made love on Saturday night and Sunday night, and I ovulated on Monday morning.

    Out of curiosity I took a normal, cheap as they come home pregnancy test on the Wednesday evening of the following week (so 9-10 dpo) and it showed a very, very faint line.

    I tested again 72 hours later and got a faint but stronger line, and then 72 hours again and got a clear positive within 60 seconds.

    As with all the diet ads on TV "results are not typical and individual results will vary" but it's possible.

    The only trouble with testing way early is that you risk picking up a "chemical pregnancy" - a conception happens but the embryo doesn't make it and the pregnancy is lost, all within a few days. Most of the time these pass unnoticed by the women but with such early home pregnancy testing kits available they're being identified a lot more readily these days.

  19. 4 weeks was the earliest but with my last two I sort of knew after we had intercourse.  I've been very fertile so I sort of knew.  With my 2nd I went through a  5k marathon and didnt know.  I think I was 7 weeks or maybe 6.  I think the same with my 3rd.  My period just didnt vcome and I dreaded it just being late so I really waited to find out.  

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