
I found out i had Dyslexia...?

by Guest65582  |  earlier

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well i found out i had dyslexia....and i'm not sure what it really is?

can someone please explain in a way i can understand:D

thank you.




  1. Sometimes, when you are reading, your brain will play tricks on you--you will see the word "saw" when actually the word on the page is "was."  They call that dyslexia.

    Many people have it, some more than others.  (Boys have it more than girls, although that doesn't mean that girls don't have it.)  You may have to read more slowly to understand the material--and, you may possibly want to excel in something like math.   But, you can still do OK in life, it's not the end.

  2. you just see thing backward like i do

  3. The day my own son found out he was dyslexic was one of the best in his life he was ten and finally realised he was not stupid which was what he had thought before as his reading and writing skills were far behind the rest of his class.

    Dyslexia is a learning difficulty which is not the same in all people but most often causes dyslexics to have problems with basic reading and writing.  It is not an illness or disease, there is no cure but with the right help you can achieve your full potential.

    Now that you know you are dyslexic you should get the help you need, which is the first step to bring you up to the same level as your classmates.  

    It does not mean you are any less able or intelligent than any of your class.  In fact many very clever famous people are dyslexic, take a look at the first websites below.

    Take a look at the other websites below they should answer all the questions you have.

    My own son completed his education getting a higher qualification in English amongst other things and now works with children.

    Good Luck

  4. depends on how the dyslexia affects you not everyone has all of the symptoms.

    How old are you and what are your problems compared to others your age.

    reading and writing will be more difficult because letters and numbers get transposed.e.g.69 may look like 96 and was may look like saw. So take all the help you can get whilst at school and university.

    Dyslexics memorise a lot and seem to do well in technology subjects especially computer tech.  Spelling should not be a problem these days as the computer does a spell check.

    As for maths my dyslexic daughter tells me that if your answer is divisible by 3 then you have mixed your numbers up but as I am not dyslexic i can't figure that one out.

    My daughters teacher taught her bat and ball and drum and drumstick which we usually pronounce in that order. Think about it for a minute. The proper way to write a b is to draw the bat ( l ) and then the ball ( o )  thus making a b. The same goes for drum and drumstick. drum first then drumstick second

    My daughter had passed her driving test for 3 years before she learnt left from right. Like she says why do you need to know left from right to be a driver just tell everyone to say passenger side or drivers side. and the signposts all have arrows so you just follow the arrows.

    You will come accross a few difficulties but most of them can be overcome by finding little ways of your own to cope.

    Take all the help you can get from anywhere you can and find little ideas of your own that work and you will get along just fine.

    My daughter worked in a call center for 2 years before selling and advising on mobile phones. She is now waiting for April so she can start  a driving instructors course.

    there are websites on the internet to help you.

    Oh yes and one last thing my daughter aged 23 still cannot tell the time on an anologue clock. Yet dispite the number problem she manages with a digital watch.

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