
I found out my ancestry goes back to Moors? Want INFO?

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The book we have on my family sais we are Spanish/Arabic/African blood. Not sure how but thats we we have found. Anyone know more about this please let me know.




  1. During the medieval period, Moor became a common term to refer to the Muslims of Islamic Iberian Peninsula and North Africa, who were of Arab or Berber descent. In English, the term has only historical contexts, with no proper present-day referent. The name remains associated with the Muslims of Spain even today, despite being archaic and inaccurate, as it lumps Muslim and non-Muslim Arabs, Berbers and other Africans together, sometimes even with Iberian Muslims.

    Moor comes from the Greek word mauros meaning "black" or "very dark". The Moors, during the Middle Ages and as late as the 17th century, were described as being black, dark-skinned, or swarthy in complexion. Today, it is the lighter inhabitants of Morocco and Mauretania who are called Moors. In Spanish usage, moro ("Moor") came to have an even broader usage, to mean "Muslims" in general. Although the Moors came to be associated with Muslims, the name Moor pre-dates Islam. It derives from the small Numidian Kingdom of Maure of the third century BC in what is now Morocco.


  2. Do you want info on Moors?

    could you tell me more about this book on  you family?

  3. Study Spanish history...the Moors (african muslims) moved into Spain and quickly took over almost all of the peninsula beginning in 711.  They had a pretty strong toehold from Madrid on south for a long time, and stayed in Granada (the last stronghold) until 1492.  They had quite a golden age, with the largest calphate for about two hundred years based in Córdoba.  

    Take a couple of classes on the history of Spain, go to Spain and see the beautiful structures and influences of the Moors (or you can look at my photos from my recent trip...lots of Moorish monuments in there, as well - email me)  It's fascinating stuff!

  4. I learned that moors were muslims, who were forced to leave spain because they did not follow the catholic religion .

  5. the WORD is "MOOPS"not moors.

  6. "Moors" Arabs/Muslims from North Africa conquered Southern Spain in middle ages ??? before being driven out  by Ferdinand and Isabella ?? Guess??. Anyway they had ruled for many years, forced religion on Catholics and intermarried with them.So when they left, there were a lot of confused darker skinned people left behind.Term was also used in Shakespeare's time as a generic word for black.

    Southern Spain is very close to Morroco , and even has a colony over there.

  7. Nobody wants info, because nobody cares.

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