
I found some baby birds?

by  |  earlier

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I just found some newborn baby birds (birds that probably just came out of their egg yesterday. I didnt even know there was a nest but i was messing with my flower pot when a bird flew out (this was yesterday) and today when i came back i actually saw the babies. The parents have not come back. What do i do?!?!




  1. The parents are probably still tending to this nest..but if you are near it they will not come as you would be considered a predator.  Stay away from the nest area so that the parents can tend to their chicks.  If you want to make sure they are still feeding..which I am sure they are...birds rarely abandon chicks, you probably only scared her away temporairily, you can watch the nest from afar from a hidden area where the parents will not see you.  Watch continually as visits to feed can be quick and infrequent (especially if the parents are wary).  It should only be a couple weeks before they leave the nest and you can again approach that area again safely.  ONLY if you are positive the parents are not tending to the can get them to a local wildlife rehab:

  2. First it is an old wives tale that parent birds will reject their babies if handled. If the parents have not come back then you need to contact a wildlife rehabber in your area.

    Second if you need to feed them NEVER feed worms, they can cause gapeworm which can be fatal, Never put liquid in a baby birds mouth this can cause aspiration pneumonia and they will die.  Go to and join the message board and they will help will all you need

  3. take care of them until they can fly

  4. put the pot back.

    and don't mess with the babies.

    the paren't WILL NOT eat the babies.

    most birds have poor traste and smell anyway..

    but umm..just don't mss with them.

    the mother will come back[=

  5. Don't touch them, if you do the parents might kill them. Just leave them, the parents are probably out getting food and more sticks.

  6. leave them alone the parents will come back, they are probably watching the nosy human whose peaking at their young, whatever you do don't touch them or they will most definitely be abandoned and then they wil surely

  7. This happened to me too. all you do is like put them in a box, feed them soaked cat food!!! it sounds crazy but it works!!! Then in like 6 weeks they will grow and fly!!!

  8. I'm sure the parents know all about the birds,the parents won't feed the birds for the first 8 hours ,but if you are haging around the nest you will scare the parents away from the babies so just stay away from the nest site for a while and let the parents do their job,believe me if you stay away they will come around just stay away and ley nature take it's course.

  9. If the parents have still not come back soon, feed them egg and worms.

  10. just taking care it give them worms.. lol

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