
I found some websites the other day telling you to run by striking the ground with the balls of feet but...?

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I've seen websites that highly recommend hitting the ground with the balls of your feet first, then going back on your heel and then back onto the balls of your feet. I find this very difficult and I run slowly when I try it. Is this actually the way you're supposed to run? Do you have any tips?




  1. The topic of how to land on when you're running has been brought up many many times. Not only through my high school days, but also now, as a coach for a high school team.

    The answer is: There is no right/wrong way to land.

    It's how ever you feel most natural and most comfortable. No one in the world has the same foot, foot structure...etc, so not everyone will have the same landing.

    Ther perfect example is a set of twins on my team. They are both in 11th grade and one has a 4:23 mile while the other also has a 4:23 mile. The funny thing is, one lands on the balls of their feet and one lands the their heel.

    So that shows the most natural way you land is the way you should.

    But anyway, if you feel most natural running on the balls of your feet, you should land not on the toes, but the tendon right behind the toes. Then you kind of rock back a little to your mid-foot and then take off. Your heel doesn't really even touch the ground.

    If landing heel is the most comfortable, you should be landing on your heels and than naturally going onto your toes.

  2. My coach lets us run from heel to toe and thats what is most effective for me (thats how I won state). During speed workouts thuogh it would be best to run hitting the ground with the back of the ball of your feet.

    Hope this helps.

  3. Coach has it right.  But I think the greater question to ponder is "What kind of problems will you bring on yourself by trying to "change" the mechanics of your running??  

    Maybe the forefoot advocate has a point.  But when you "artificially" alter things having to do with your running, don't you run a greater risk of causing other problems?  In fact, you will be changing the muscles that respond and the way they function within their muscle group.

    For example, my main worry is that changing your gait to land ball first simulates running downhill where you have to actually slow yourself down.  This puts strain on your knees and back.

    I dunno......  I'm skeptical and agree that you should run however you run naturally....

    Good Luck and happy running however you get it done..

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