
I found something very strange on a p**n dvd...?

by Guest45038  |  earlier

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Alright, so long story short, my friend and I were watching a dvd where they took you behind the scenes of a p**n set to talk to the stars and etc. Well, it all seemed normal until one of the girls takes off her underwear, climbs onto the top of a bald guy's head (straddling it) and begins rubbing herself against his skull in order to get off.

I've never seen or heard of anything like that before. My question is: is this something that people actually do, or was she just trying to be creative?




  1. p**n is all about fantasy, so it was probably just the girl trying to be different

  2. my friends brother has a large collection of p**n and we found a whole dvd of things like this. there were three diffrent girls all doing this to one mans head one after another. so i think that yes maybe some people do find this a turn on.

  3. I guess that's an option if your partner's bald.  There are much weirder things out there, honey.

  4. you wouldnt believe the **** people do in porno's.

    it's been done before im sure, and much much worse has been done.

    in the world of p**n, the creepest most unheard of stuff is the best selling

  5. it's obviously a ritual used in many countries that helps bald men grow hair on their scalp.

  6. only in the movies....

  7. You will see things in pornos that real people don't actually do. It is amazing what some people will do for money and/or fame.

  8. That is just some dumb p**n activity.  

  9. That gives new meaning to the term "giving head"


  10. she was making the chicken and egg story, to see for herself

    which comes first

  11. p**n is to make men think deviant behavior is normal. No women dont like to m********e on bald men's heads, they get paid to do that stuff. p**n is a job just like any other job, and believe it or not most of those girls dont even like thier jobs, they are paid to act like they do.

  12. it's something you can actually do.

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