
I found stray kittens that weight less than 2lbs what should i feed them? right now i am giving them sip milk?

by  |  earlier

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i was just wondering what should i feed them to keep them healthy




  1. i adopted a kitten from an outside stray.. she weighed 1.5 lbs when i took her to the vet... i went and bought kitten milk ( walmart) and kitten food... take a little of the food and soak it with the kitten milk... micro about 20 seconds just to soften it a little bit.

    after you see he/ she is eating well on her own.. feed kitten chow for a few months at least then reg cat food should be fine

  2. they have kitten milk at walmart. Vets will give you a bottle. When feeding them alternate sides so there eyes develop right otherwise there balance is off when they get older. Take a cotton ball and clean eyes daily to prevent invection. Take a warm cotton ball to butt to help to go potty

  3. Cats are lactose intolerant, therefore milk is bad for them, you can get milk formula from your local vet or pet shop, you should give them that if they are only very young, as for food, If you cant go and buy some give them some canned tuna or fish, not too much though, if you have no fish give them a tiny bit of breakfast cereal (only a tiny bit), when you do go to buy proper food get the special kitten food.

    By the way supermarket cat food isn't very healthy, go for pet shop food.    

  4. its called KMR you can buy it at petsmart and you will need a medicine dropper to feed them with ...they will need to be fed every 2-3 hours to keep them happy

  5. if you go to a pet store or even a grocery store you can buy food made especially for kittens. don't give them any milk unless its their mothers. if it is milk re-placer then you can give them a little, but too much will upset their stomaches. also you can buy wet kitten food and dry kitten food. if you get the dry food then make sure to soak it for them so that it isn't hard for them to chew. put it in a shallow dish so that they can reach it and then just give them as much food as they want. make sure they drink lots of water. and i would make a vet appointment soon to make sure they are healthy. good luck!

  6. Don't give them cow milk!  Give them kitten food or canned cat food, and take them to the vet.

  7. Go to the pet store and ask them for some kitten food and kitten milk. Do NOT buy the crappy cat milk sold in the supermarket. It is loaded with chemicals and sugars which are bad for cats.  

  8. Do not give them milk unless it is kitten formula from the pet store.  Cats can not tolerate milk.  You'd do well in making an appointment with you vet as soon as possible if you are keeping them.  If you are not, then take them to the shelter as soon as you can so they can be fostered and vetted.

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