
I found stuff in the ground digging that may be worth alot of money??

by  |  earlier

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Anyway, so i was diggin with my dad in the garden, and i dug up a cloth bag full of gold rocky metal stuff, it might be gold, it was about 3m deep, any suggestions?




  1. don't tell anyone, melt it down and sell it as jewellry

  2. Why were you digging that deep? Be careful you might endanger the foundatons of your house, then you'll need the gold to rebuild

  3.   Keep your mouth shut until you are sure what you found. First consiter what kind of material the bag  was made of,  then how  long would it have taken to rot off, then the condition of the bag when you found it. In another words 'use your head' before proceeding.

  4. dig deaper like 15 meters to find out if thers more its gold

  5. Call in the archaeologists - even if it is decided that it's not yours to keep (treasure-trove'), any institution wishing to own it would have to give you the market rate. They can't simply take it, and give you nothing.

    More importantly, it might add to the understanding of your area's history.

    You lose nothing by doing this.

  6. go to a certified gold dealer a get it checked but make sure they don't steal any :}

  7. you are havin a larf

  8. You dug a hole 9 feet deep, you deserve it to be gold.

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