
I found water damage that was undisclosed when I bought my house back in November from a leak in the furnace?

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I found water damage that was undisclosed when I bought my house back in November from a leak in the furnace.?

The furnace was backed up and leaked into a bedroom in the basement of my home. By the looks of the wood work when we pulled up the wet carpet, it was clear that this happened prior to us moving in (the leak was from A/C moisture).

The plumbing company that came out to my home had actually been there three months prior to us buying the house when the house was still on the market. In the records they were there two days in a row while the house was on the market to fix a furnace leak.

Things seem a bit shady. My realtor and inspector never said anything about this or didn't find any damage. Now we realize why they had such a strong air freshener in that room when we bought it.

What are the laws with this? What can we do? We are going to have to at least replace all of the carpet in this room, if not more.




  1. Sounds like its not much more than a clogged drain pipe for your condensation runoff,Furnaces dont use water they collect it when the air is on ,and its drained out.

    I cant see why they would need 2 days to fix this,Unless the water is from some other source.

    Im also curious how you didnt notice this when you moved in ,a wet carpet is hard to miss. And you moved in, in Nov.

    but you missed it until recently?

    Just because your wood is messed up doesnt mean it happened before you bought the house, water quickly damages goods,especially wood.I think your going to have a hard time proving that this happened before you bought your house ,as water damage can happen overnight.The people you might want to consider contacting is the plumbers than were supposed to fix the original problem,obviously they did a poor job.

    Good Luck Froggy

  2. you are going to have to prove the leak occurred prior to you buying the house. your inspector found nothing you bought the house eight months ago and just discovered it now,  going to be difficult to prove good luck

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