
I fried my ficus pumila (creeping charlie)! Any chance I can revive it?

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This was my favorite plant, and he loved being inside my house. I watered him once a week (every saturday) & he was fine for a very long time. We went out of town last weekend, and when we returned on Sunday, my plant was shriveling and sad. So I put him outside because it was going to rain that day. I left for work. It did rain, but it was also hot & muggy. When I came home, the plant leaves had shriveled even further to the point where the whole plant looks dead. How can I revive this plant? Should I remove all the dead leaves & continue watering the roots...will that help? Any advice or gardening links will be appreciated. I want to save Charlie!




  1. Saving Charlie may not be impossible, but would take time. I would cut it back and see if there is any green in the stems. Water it well and then keep treating it just like you did when it was beautiful. It will either send out new leaves or not. If you are impatient, you might just like to start with a nice fresh new Charlie.

  2. umm ficus pumila isn't a creeping charlie lol ficus pumila is a creeping fig. but the creeping charlie, if it looks completely dead i probably reached it's permanent wilting point. you can try cutting it back very hard as in cutting back a lot. You should not water every day because that's just gonna cause the roots to rot. so you can try maybe twice a week. good luck  

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