
I gave a cashier a 20, they gave me change back for a 10. Has this every happened to anyone?

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I noticed it almost right away, I made a scene about it and they told me to go home they'll count the money... they called me up and they said they didn't have extra 10 in the register.

I was so angry, because that was my last 20 dollars... but what could I have done about it?




  1. It has happened before. Just keep your cool and ask them to count the drawer right now.

  2. I would have waited there while they counted the register. Anything could have happened between the time you were there and the time that they counted.

    I would have insisted. It happened to me before when I was drinking and they purposely shortchanged me. I told them flat out "I gave you a 20" and they immediately gave back the proper change.

    And I agree with Beetroot. I hand it to them and say the denomination: "twenty" "ten". I don't care if it sounds stupid. Or if I have a lot of bills I count it out and show it to them.

  3. No. This is the first time. Contact the Guiness book of Records, quick.

  4. Go back and talk to a manager if you haven't already.  Then if you don't get far with them try to contact someone higher up.  This has happened to me.  I don't remember the outcome but you have to be insistent.  Ten dollars is ten dollars...and in this economy, well...

  5. This has happened to me but they realised their mistake and gave me the extra change right away. It sucks what they did to you.

  6. Yeah its a right nuisance. Ive alwyas got the right change back in the end though.

    However, in Barcelona, i bought a kebab, gave the guy 10 euros, and got back change for 50. Yessssssssss!!!!

  7. Made a big scene. Tell them you only had 20's.

    Sometimes you just have to let it go as a lesson learnd. I did. Besides karma will come around.

  8. The drawer must be taken out and counted by the manager right there in front of you.  You certainly do NOT go home and wait for a phone call from the party you are having the problem with.

  9. seriously. who told you that? i have worked at alot of places and they never tell someone just to go home!!!! OMG you should have made an incredibly huge scene and demanded to see the store manager and owner if possible! IM serious call them back and ask for the store manager and if they dont help you out then ask for their name and ask for the regional managers number. if the dont help out there should be a number on the reciept call and complain and give them your # they will call you back and get the matter settled. It goes the customer is always right. plus they should have a video on the cash register and you could prove it that way!

  10. Do what any American would do

    Take your gun and shoot them in cold blood

  11. It's happened to me MANY times and is usually a result of a bent cashier. There are more often than not, cameras recording checkouts with CCTV so I would demand that the video was looked at immediately and I'd refuse to leave the shop until I got my money back, even if it meant calling the police. Sounds harsh but shop-workers (not all of them of course) are notorious for pocketing cash and if you're 100% certain (that's crucial) you gave them a 20 then stand your ground.

    EDIT always make a point of verbalising what you're handing over such as "I'll have to give you a 20" that reinforces what you've handed over and reduces the chances of any jiggory-pokery on their part!.

  12. If the cashier does that 20 times a day, he will make an extra $200 a day tax free!

    It has nothing to do with the fact that they pay cashier's minimum wage.

  13. pay attention better.  always count your change at the register.

  14. Yes, although some time ago. Most things seem to be chip and pin these days!!  When you let them know they have made a mistake it takes ages to sort it out as they have to do a till reckky!!

  15. yes it has I went into the store to buy a pop and I gave the cashier a 10 n all she gave back was a 1 some in change n I made a scene too. Then I had the manager come out n  gave her my info after she said that she would count the money that night and never did get back to me I was p***ed off cuz it was my last ten I had for the week. Lets just say I don't go to that store anymore

  16. It happens to everyone from time to time, just let them know and they should give you the right change, or they may tell you that if they are over when they count their drawer they will let you know there are a few places that are unable to count the drawer right then and there..But saying what the denomination is works well, if I have bought say something for $7.50 I will tell them that is $7.50 out of $10, 20 whatever I have given them as there are a lot of cashiers that truly can't count change unless the register tells them what it's supposed to be.....

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