
I gave a gift and never got a thank you..

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I had bought a Wii a few months ago. I never used it. So my boyfriend and I decided that we would give it to his little brother and sister. (that was about 2 weeks ago) i had also bought 100 bucks worth of accsesories to go with it (including a game). The problem is I still havent gotten a thank you. I mean should I have...wouldnt these people realize that they just got about 400 bucks for free? insight please...




  1. Talk to your boyfriend, maybe thats just how the little t**d is.

  2. Did they SAY thanks when you gave it to them?  Are you expecting a note?

  3. Did they thank their brother and you just didn't hear about it?  How old are the kids? Maybe your boyfriend can mention it to his mother that they didn't say thank you.  The mother should remind the kids to say thank you if they are very young.  A written thank you would be better.  

  4. Ask yourself this: in giving, what were your motivations?

    Don't take this wrong, but you need to look deep inside your ego and see what mischief it's up to. By posting the question, you are saying you EXPECTED a thank you, and you feel shorted because you never got one. This is completely normal, but if you think about it, you can give this act much more meaning.

    Think about WHY you feel shorted.

    When you give unconditionally and without expectation, this is the true value of giving. By expecting something in return - even a thank you - the gift is no longer pure. If you expect something in return, it's no longer a gift, it's a trade or barter for something you want in return.

    Yes they should have thanked you, and cleaned your house for a month out of gratitude - but this reveals something about them. Your gift was more than just the Wii, you gave them an opportunity to show gratitude which they ignored. It's their loss, and they will probably never realize the opportunity they missed.

    But the act of giving without expectation places you far above that. Don't spoil it with "hey, where's my thank you?" People are selfish, that's all there is to it.

  5. christ, thats so ungrateful.

    ask your boyfriend if his bro & sis are enjoying the Wii, and he may say that they said thankyou when you weren't there or something.

  6. You don't say how old the kids are, but they are not too young to learn proper etiquette. Maybe their parents just haven't taught them yet. Some people never learn how to write them.

  7. That's very rude.

    I'd call there and ask "So how are you guys enjoying the Wii?"

  8. You deserved a thank you, but it sounds like his brother and sister are probably too young or haven't been raised to say thank you.

  9. I agree with some of the responses- your boyfriend needs to get on his brother and sister about the "thank you."  He can even take them to the store to buy a decent thank you card and they can each write a message inside.

    They should address and mail it themselves.  

  10. Did they thank you or your boyfriend in person?  Was it clear that this was a gift, and not just "I want to unload some junk, do me a favor by taking it off my hands"?

    A formal written thank-you is not necessary if they thank you in person when the gift is received.  Besides, depending on the age of the siblings, they may not have learned these manners yet, and you need to teach them.

    Give them a call, and ask, "So how are you liking the gift we gave you?"  That not only reminds them it was a gift, but gives them a chance to say thank you.

  11. then i guess that means the kids are just borrowing it and you can take it back whenever you please. tho they still shouldve thanked you for the loaner.

  12. ignorant c**ts

  13. Well, sometimes people do forget to show some thanks.  Even asking someone to thank you can sound a little arrogant in my opinion.

    Maybe while you're hanging out with your boyfriend's little brother and sister, ask them if they really do like the Wii gift plus the games and accessories/money.  They may eventually remember and say "thank you", or if they have very good etiquette, they may automatically say, "thank you for the gift" or anything along those lines.

  14. You say "little" brother and sister- define that please.  Yes you should have gotten a thank you card or phone call, but since kids learn best by example, perthaps the parents are to blame.  It's up to your BF now to call their house and say, Hey guys, did you get the Wii that was sent to you?  Great, well Cindy Lou wants to hear how much you lilke it, hold on, here she is.  If the parent's don't force them to acknowledge the gift, he should step in.

  15. I can't believe that this is the first time you've given someone a gift and not gotten a thank you!  You should ask your boyfriend if that's just how they are, and if so, you know not to give them anything else (if that's how you are about those things).  Or, the next time you see them, you can ask them if they got it and say you weren't sure because you never heard anything from them about it.  Who knows, maybe they're just waiting until the next time they see you to say thank you?

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