
I gave birth to a baby boy 5-20-2008 he wiighed 6-11 and the cps took him off my breast and took him from me ?

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and my husband the 3rd day in the hospital they said because i got my parental rights took when i was younger for a buch of lies my exhusband and others told in court please help i just want to show everyone i am a good person and a good mother but they have to give me a chance to do this i love my baby and husband and my others kids very much would love to have them back too but my other kids were adopted out to their 18 due to a pack of lies told god bless




  1. If you are being honest and everything is as you say, then you should be able to get your child back.  It will probably take a few court hearings to establish your competance as a parent, but eventually you will prevail.  In the meantime, you need to find some legal counsel, there may be a lawyer who would work pro bono in your area, but you do need someone on your side who knows the legal system.  If your paternal rights were taken before, than this would automatically happen because the courts have deemed you an unfit parent, but with legal help, and doing the right thing you can prove that you are fit to be a parent and get your child back.  For the right now, if your husband has never had his rights taken or been in any trouble, he could go and stay with a friend or relative and CPS should have to give him his child back.  Hope this helps a little bit, good luck.

  2. you need an attorney

  3. I'm not sure I understand. In my state, which is NY, there needs to be proof that the children are in danger before they can just go and take your children away. They must have found proof that you were abusing or neglecting your children in some way or they couldn't take them away from you. If this is not the case then find a lawyer.

  4. i would call cps and fight for it!! if they took him away cause of lies i would tell them!!  they can't just come in and "take your kids"  they need to tell you that there taking them.  god back to cps and ***** them out!!

  5. normally they only take kids for a good reason. if they havent investigated enough, you need to get on the phone and fight for your children.  

  6. what is your question?

  7. Well CPS must have given you an outline of the things you need to do in order to get your baby back.

    Do those things and in the timeline they gave you.

    Then there should be little reason for them to keep your son in protective custody.

  8. What is your question?  How are we supposed to help you?  We don't know anything about your situation.  You very well could be the one lying.  And CPS would not have came in and took the baby off your breast.  They would have gave you time with the baby at least a hour, unless you tested positive for drugs.

  9. Find a La Leche League in your area.  The law varies from state to state, but in some states a breastfeeding mom can't be denied custody because of how beneficial breastfeeding is to a baby's health.

  10. Hi I would suggest you urgently contact a lawyer, why is it the liars always win in court??? Good luck to you, don't give up ok.  They surely would've had to give you reasons for taking him, get them to explain you are entitled to at least that...

    Again good luck

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