
I gave my cell number to the Obama campaign and now I'm getting viagra and stock ticker spam, what gives?

by Guest63348  |  earlier

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I gave my cell number to the Obama campaign and now I'm getting viagra and stock ticker spam, what gives?




  1. LOL! That's just funny!  

  2. Somehow, they knew you were a limp d**k?

  3. You've been thrown under the bus.  

    Might as well throw your cell under the bus as well and go back to the stick and string phone.  The spam will never stop now.

  4. This must be the change that Nobama is talking about, lol!

  5. You're also getting propaganda from the Communist party as well too, likely.   They can do very well recruiting Obama supporters....

  6. thats how the obama camp is making money off you

    but you just dont know it yet

    wait till you get your 1st bill

    obama sold all the cellphone #s to advertising corperations

  7. Whoa! He lied? Oh my. Call the viagra people back and ask who his VP is. Tell them hes late on his announcement, ask if its Edwards, their customer.

  8. Sounds like you have been sold out by BO and his campaign staff. If he's elected this won't be the last time.

  9. Seriously?

    Sorry about your luck, but that's hilarious.

  10. Buy the viagra stock now.  It's bound to double if Ole Johnny Boy gets elected.  I't will give hm a reason to answer those 3am calls from Cindy.

  11. They saw that you misspelled "Professor" and figured you were an easy mark.

  12. Good.

    It could not happen to a nicer Repuke.

  13. You gave your number to a popup.. Go to the actual website next time.. And change your number..

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