
I gave my child to a babysitter and she left electric ion plugged on the wall. my child burn her carpet with?

by  |  earlier

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the ion. Whose responsibility is it. The baby sitter wants me to pay for it.




  1. #1 Tell the babysitter that they were responsible because they left the iron plugged in while watching a small child.

    #2 The babysitter should have been watching the child in the first place to prevent that from happening.

    #3 Fire the babysitter that person can't obviously have doen their job if they risk your child for hurting themselves and blame you to pay for something that was their fault

  2. Ahhh! No way would I pay for that. It is so lucky that your child didn't end up with a painful burn and/or scar! She is all kinds of out of line for doing anything except apologizing and reassuring you that she will be far, far more careful with your child's safety!

  3. That is a red flag to never take your child to that babysitter again! If she continues to ask you to pay for the damage, tell her you will report her to the police for child endangerment.

  4. Ditto. She’s not too smart if she’s actually admitting to putting your child in harm’s way and then blaming you for it.

  5. OK so here is the deal.. Is she a good babysitter?  Does the task of finding a new one seem overwhelming?  If she is replaceable then tell her you are not going to pay for the rug and that she should be grateful that your child was not burned.  You can also explain that her homeowners insurance will cover the cost of replacement for her carpet.

  6. Her house, her electric iron, her responsibility.

    Please find another babysitter.

  7. I agree with most of the others.

    It was her house, her iron, her irresponsibility of leaving the iron plugged in.  If it was your house and she failed to unplugged an unused iron, she should be the one paying you for the damage.

    But... is she otherwise a good babysitter?  Is she a friend or family member?  How old is the child?  

    If she's normally responsible, I'd be willing to pay for half the damage, but not because I HAD to but to keep the peace.

  8. The baby sitter's. She should have been more responsible knowing that children can get into all sorts of trouble. I would not pay for it, and if she leaves things out in the open all the time, you should find a new babysitter.

  9. It is the babysitter's fault.  She is lucky your child did not burn himself/herself on the iron.  It may be time to look for a new sitter.  Seriously, if I was watching a kid, and that happened,  I would have kept my mouth shut and thanked my lucky stars my client's child wasn't burned.

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