
I gave my goldfish a salt bath in table salt is it going to die?

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My goldfish has fin rot and i thought i would give it a salt bath but because i had been giving it salt baths before with aquarium salt i had ran out and had to use table salt to give it salt baths but i've been reading and it says that table salt can kill your goldfish but my goldfish seems really happy and swimming about in the table salt one where as in the aquarium salt one it just lays at the bottom of the isolation tank doing nothing the same as what it does in my goldfish tank. So the table salt baths seem to be working but is my goldfish going to die because he seems alot better ? Thanks




  1. Honestly, I don't think it will die. I have been using table salt forever to cure my fish. The only thing with table salt is that it might cloud your water a little bit. If your fish had a severe injury then yes the salt might end up killing him faster(irritation). I have used both ionized and deionized salt  with out a problem...........

  2. why not add some heat and make a nice soup?

  3. nah we always use rocksalt they are okay however table salt is iodized but there are many claiming they have used it and its okay.  I think your fish will be fine.  

  4. Yes

  5. tabel salt is not okay for any type of fish

  6. The amount of iodine and caking-preventatives in table salt are so minimal that they really have no affect on the fish.  If anything, the results would be beneficial.  However, as you've ignored in my last 3-4 answers to your similar questions, the bacterium responsible for fin rot will not be affected either.  Aeromonas hydrophila is prevalent in fresh, brackish, and marine waters, meaning it is ENTIRELY resistant to salt concentrations that your fish will tolerate.

  7. yup,  sorry to hear about the lost of your pet......

  8. Generally people are told not to give their goldfish salt baths in table salt, most table salt contains something which kills goldfish but not all table salt does, people are told not to as it's better to be safe than sorry. It looks like your table salt is safe but i really recommend you don't do it again, make sure you get some aquarium salt now =]

  9. No he is not going to die as long as you clean the tank fast. Also I would use conditioning salt.

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