
I gave my hamster a bath and i've heard that they could die?

by  |  earlier

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I don't want my little baby to die.I love my black bear hamster so much. Also I always cuddle with her before I go to bed and i keep her warm. So could she still get chills if she's always warm?




  1. Just make sure to towel dry her really well. I'm sure she will be fine this time around, But don't do it in the future unless they have something toxic on them that needs to be washed off because they groom themselves.

  2. Dont bathe her in the future. Pet stores sometimes make a special powder cleaner for hampsters

    Dry him well now.

  3. you're lucky. NEVER ever get hamsters wet, never ever ever ever. many of them do die.  

  4. Try putting a jar of chinchilla sand. It removes excess oils from their fir, and they have a blast playing in it!

  5. don't bathe them it can cause respiratory problems. But she should be fine. Put some chinchilla SAND (not dust) in a bowl or shallow tupperware and if you want you can brush him with a toothbrush or other soft bristled brush every once in a while.

    Hope I helped!!!

  6. i dont think you should give him a bath.  they wash them selves, ya know?

  7. Giving your hamsters a bath will not kill him. They do clean themselves, so I wouldn't recommend doing that again, but he won't die. If you want to be sure, just put your fingers on his back and if you feel warmth, he'll be O.K.

    Good luck!


  8. i heard that too should dry her up real good

  9. Just make sure to dry him extra good

    until hes not wet anymore AT ALL!

    Some can die of that, but i dont

    think a lot of them do. good luck

    with your hamster :)

  10. hamsters are very tiny with little fat so that cant stay very warm bye them selves. Also if a hamster gets wet and doesn't get dried it cold get sick. But if you have seen her or he shiver that means she or he are trying to warm them selves us if your really nerves got to the vet some treat some small animals. good luck hope your hammy is all right :)

  11. it's not a bear! haha they look like rats they freak me out

  12. if she is acting normally than she is ok. but next time don't give her a bath.  Hamsters have their own natural oils to maintain the condition of their fur and will spend a long time grooming. So I would not recommend bathing as they will not enjoy it and it may make the hamser's fur look worse.  If your hamsters smells bad then you should clean the cage more frequently.  

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