
I gave my pet budgie?

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Some red bull and its done the opposite to what the advert budgie has lots its wings and is now hopping around, I don't know what I should do..I'm worried.

Perhaps if I gave him some more red bull it'd reverse the effects?

I need help!




  1. What the h**l were you thinking? It's not funny to give a budgie or any animal like that. They should only drink water. There are some vitamins you can add into their water for heath reasons, not to make they hyper. You can kill your bird.

  2. why did you give him red bull!!! thats how they could die! birds are supposed to drink water. they could get really sick from it. they can even get sick from dirty water. well hope nothing happens.

  3. Did you really gave your budgie some red bull and a budgie can't lose it's wing by drinking red bull it'd probably die first.Drinking another red bull won't reverse the effect.

  4. You must go to a docter IMMEDIATLY. You can't give a bird Red Bull. It will kill it. It will be sick in the next few days.

  5. oh no it won't reverse it. your budgie is pissed! what a lightweight

  6. Red bull is not made to be fed to birds, especially parakeets. Do not give your parakeet more, it can make him very sick. Your bird should be eating only organic pellets, a minimal amount of seeds and fresh fruits and veggies.  

  7. what do you mean lost its wings call a vet it could be having a heart attack and never give birds caffine or chocolate alchol it is not cute just deadly and tell the friend that challenged you he is an idiot yes i am sure there was a "friend " involved

  8. Yes you do need help, real quick. You are a NUT.

    Go see your Doc and tell him you are a LIAR, and you need medical help asap.........

    Your a NUT in a HUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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