
I gave out someone's name, a previous address, and phone number to a bunch of spam websites.?

by Guest58357  |  earlier

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To make a long story short they got unwanted phone calls and mail from this. I gave out a previous address as I just assumed they got their mail forwarded. I had no way of knowing they actually did but as it turns out they did and kept the same phone number they had a couple years ago. I realize now I was stupid to do this as I have to appear in court for my arraignment of aggravated harassment in the second degree. I have never ever been in trouble with the law before. I am scared to death I'm going to be thrown in jail. What's the real likelihood of me facing jail time for this? Or what's likely to be the punishment for this? I had to be fingerprinted and photographed and I'm broke so I can't afford to pay for a lawyer but was hoping to get a court appointed one. Anybody have any advice on my situation? Please help.




  1. What you are dancing around is that you committed fraud, and yes you can go to jail for it.  If you are in the US and it goes to trail you will be granted a lawyer.  

  2. Jails are reserved for violent criminals, big-time swindlers, recidivists ... lucky for you. So you won't end up in jail but you'll get community service if you say you can't afford a fine, or some other non-jail alternative. You definitely can't afford to mess with other people's privacy.

  3. That's fraud.  You might be lucky that you have never been in trouble before, but there's no guarantee.  It will depend on the judges decision.  Good luck!

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