
I get a headache when I take Ginkoba. What else could I take that has the same benefits?

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I was taking Ginsana, but apparently Korean Ginseng is better for men, so I switched to Ginkoba. I guess I prefer a Ginseng. Which one is good for women?




  1. Siberian Ginseng is good for women and headaches caused by Gingko Biloba is usually caused by a low blood flow in the small arteries to the brain so you can start off by taking Gingko Biloba in very small doses and then increase the dosage gradually over time....

    Good Luck

  2. Ginseng is known as the man root & is considered a male aphrodisiac. You may simply be taking too high of a dose of Ginko. Try breaking the tabs & taking a smaller dose.

  3. Are you taking Ginko on a full stomach?  Especially with some fat like dairy?  This is just a suggestion.   Maybe you are alergic to Ginko.

       Maybe you need Omega-3 like Nordic Naturals Fish oil.

    or Co-Q-10 and Magnesium, Calcium, Zink.

       These are the common things that we all need , Men and Women.

  4. American Ginseng is better for you than Korean red. Eleuthero (aka Siberian Ginseng) is safe for just about everyone. None of the ginsengs are recommended if you have high blood pressure, but in my experience, Eleuthero is safest.

    Ginkoba is a sort of "mainstream" Ginkgo formulation. (The company name is Pharmaton, after all. :-D) They include some weird stuff not needed in a pill or capsule, so could be you are sensitive to some of them. The other ingredients are: Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Lactose, Talc, Polyethylene Glycol, Magnesium Stearate, Titanium Dioxide, Synthetic Iron Oxides. None of those are really good for you and why on earth would they use Talc?

    I noticed the recommended dose is 1 tablet 3x daily. You might try taking just one tablet w/ breakfast, unless you get the headache each time you take the pill, in which case I'd say give it away and buy something else.

  5. What exactly are you wanting it for as ginseng and ginko biloba are two completely different herbs that do very different things.

    Ginseng is usually used for energy and stamina (in both men and women.)  While ginko biloba is most associated with brain function as it increases blood flow to your brain and extremities.  Never use ginko if you have any sort of clotting disorder or if you can't take blood thinners as that is exactly what it does, it thins the blood.

    If you're wanting something for energy, try a really good multi vitamin and/or an extra B complex.  

    If you're wanting something for memory, then try fish or flax oil.  You might want to add extra DHA if you specificly want memory as DHA is excellent for brain and nerve function.

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