
I get a weird feeling in this certain spot sometimes....?

by  |  earlier

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Anyone know what this could be?

I had an apointment for the doctor to check something and scince I was there I ask he about this weird feeling I get and she looked at my like she didn't know what I was talking about and just told me to right down whenever I get that feeling.

The feeling is located above my belly but under my chest I don't know what the area is called tho and it's like right in the middle of it.

The feeling does not hurt, does not tingle, does not tickle, or anything it's just a werd feeling that appears at random times and last random lengthes. For no reason. Sometimes it might a lil queezy type but.... no it don't really feel like that mainly. I just don't know what it is.

It started ever scince like about.... 2nd grade whenever I took this one medican but I stopped taking it because of that witch was also 2nd grade but it still doesn't go away. It always comes but some point in life and I take no pills or anything, I'm clean and eat and drink normal. It's like that pill I took did damage.... or something and it ain't suppose to. (no it's not a drug pill it's just something to help me focus cuz I have ADHD)

I thought this feeling happened monthly but I haven't gotten it for a while and now I THINK I have it.

-it something feels different way every once in a while like squeezing/tight (kinda hurt/feels like the wind got knocked out of ya) or queezyish (kinda) or just.... non explainable weird-.

My mom thinks it's because I scunch my legs up and I need to lay flatter, but whenever I lay flat I feel it and whenever I scunch my legs up/ go into a ball type, I don't feel it until I unscrunch them something.

What do you think?

idk what catagory this goes in.

Sorry for the long speech but please read atleast some of it/sceem through it and tell me what you think.

*no comments on my spelling or how much I write cuz that ain't what I'm looking for unless the answer of the question is under it or above it then it's ok*.

Thank you.




  1. Sounds to me like the beginnings of an anxiety attack.....

  2. Maybe you have a cyst or growth or something.

  3. you don't elude to your actual age since 2nd grade but I'll go with 18-23

    I'd get an OBGYN after that fast.  The stomach has MANY diffenent parts, and moreso when you are a woman.  Don't hesitate, and don't worry.  But get it checked out and a scan done in your lower torso.

    Life long and prosper.

  4. I'm not a woman, but it sounds like one of those womanly problems like menstrual cycles or menopause or whatever.  Have you seen a gynocologist?  I know it probably doesn't happen when you are young, but stranger things have been known to happen.

  5. is it gas?!

    uhmm.. sometimes i have this sharp pain in my diaphram area (above the belly, right between the 2 rib cage) it feels like something is poking me from the inside.. when i stretch my body it gets worse. but when i crawl up into a ball, it feels much better..

    i usually take tums if that happens..

    hope its just gas for you and nothing serious.. :S

  6. it could be nerves. like from a roller coaster.... it could be heartburn. or guilt.  it could an ulcer. does it HURT?

  7. Maybe its the food you are eating, your muscles might be cramping or something.

  8. Sounds like you have butterflies in your stomach.  Do you get it when you are nervous? When do you get it?

  9. Sounds like a spasm in your diaphragm and it is nothing to worry about. Relax when it happens and it will go away.

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